Hey guys, This is a map that Violence RTC and I made out of Foundry. It has a bunch of jumps, mancannons, and explosions (where would halo be without them?). Most of the Stunts are done with Ghosts or Mongeese, but 1 is done with a warthog. Here is the link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and the pic:
a little short. might want to put more pics with descriptions, or maybe more descriptions. like what is this for? might want to make a gametype for this.
well its just really a map to relax and have fun on.... thanks for the tips it does seem kinda short for a topic
you need more pictures... im not getting a good idea of what the map looks like or does, and a longer description would be nice
Nobody say anything about him needed more pics and a better description after this. It's kinda like a tonyhawk scateboardin game, only you can't do fabulous stunts. Maybe if you add like alot of switches and more tracks and stuff it'd be a good casual map.
No to put insult to injury the ma looks fine but the title shouyld only be the name of the map so no adding "Fun map" into it you should fix that on this map. Its pretty easy just go to edit post and you edit the title. Happy forging : ]
I love the idea of a map just meant for goofing around, I love doing that! But some more pictures would be a great help before I consider giving this map a DL. Thanks for the map!
needs more pics... possibly a longer description.. i don't know much about the map. 6/10 if its really just a map where you drive off a ramp and then flip.