Forged by: IcedFrappuccino ONLY PLAY with 2-6 PLAYERS!! Directory Let me say this one thing before I go into anything else. If you liked the first one, then you will LOVE this one even more. The only reason I made this map, was because of the people who played the original Splinter Cell. They told me they wanted more. They wanted another Splinter Cell. So, I made it. *YOU CANNOT GET OUT OF THE MAP. TRUST ME* I mean the only way you could get out of the map would be if you were to go in forge, but why would you wanna do that????? In most of my posts I normally have a LOOONG description, so I will keep this kind of short. The map is based off of a small Casino in the town of Reno, Nevada. Terrorists have taken it over and have killed anybody that comes near it, Cops, SWAT, and all. Third Echelon has sent out a team of Splinter Cell's to take them down. The Splinter Cell's mission is to retrieve the terrorists laptops and other intel and then take out all remaining hostiles. Okay, so the Splinter Cell's spawn pretty much on a small third story of the casino. while the terrorists spawn in a blocked off room with a teleporter. The teleporter brings them inside the casino. The casino has many features such as a Vault, MANY sewer systems, Games, VIP ROOM, and many things to hide behind when the terrorists are hot on your tail. That's right. There are a couple of sewer systems in this map. They are accessed by going up to a wall and jumping on a mongoose through the wall into the sewer. So, if you see a "HOLD RB TO DRIVE MONGOOSE", I would do it. There might even be one at the splinter cell spawn So, the objective is pretty much the same as the first one. The splinter cell's run around trying to get the package, but this one is a little bit different. On the very bottom floor of the casino, is the Vault room. Iniside the vault, there are two packages. To get into the vault you can either just shoot the fusion coils, until the barriers fall, or you can grab the rockets on the back of the forklift and kock em' down. PACKAGE DOES NOT SPAWN UNTIL 45 SECONDS! The terrorists can obtain the package in this version now. So, you might want to stop em' before they do. THE PICS WILL SHOW OFF MORE OF THE MAP ONLY PLAY with 2-6 PLAYERS!! There are a few minor changes from the original "Sam Fisher" gametype. Human Features: Start with BR-(Represents Splinter Cell's Specialty Rifles) 120% Speed-(Represents athletic ability) 100% Gravity 110% Damage resistance-(Represents dragon kevlar tac suits) 50% Shield Recharge-(Just for added fun) *Full Vehicle Use*-(So, you can access sewers) Poor Camo-(Represents Splinter Cell's tac suit's abitlity to blend in) Forced Color BLACK-(Represents Color of the suit) NO RADAR Zombie Features: Start with SMG and Magnum. Infinite Ammo NO CAMO 90% Speed-(Represent's Patrolling Terrorists) 150% Gravity-(Forgot to change this, but it does not matter) INVUNERALBE-(Represents the fact that Splinter Cell's can only assasinate the terrorists, like the the Splinter Cell games) Forced Color WHITE 10 Meter NORMAL Radar Other: 6 minute rounds. There are 8 rounds Everyone has 1 life Custom Powerup Changes: -500% Health -200% Speed -GOOD CAMO -60 Seconds LONG ONLY PLAY with 2-6 PLAYERS!! Splinter Cell Spawn Terrorists Spawn Terrorists Way In Vault Room 1 of the two vault doors. *Note the rocks* The Package's 1 Sewer. *Found in vault* MAIN CASINO ROOM VIP STAIRS VIP ROOM That's not at the Human spawn...or is it? Very Secret Sewer. *Found SOMEWHERE on the MAIN CASINO ROOM* Outside view of some sewers ACTION SHOTS Campin' Caught in the act! Splinter Cell's WIN! Knockin' down the vault door! Here are some gameplay tips that will make your experience on this map, a little bit more fun. ONLY PLAY with 2-6 PLAYERS!! Tips for Humans: -Make use of ALL of the sewer systems. If you are getting shot at, try and jump into one of the sewers for escape -Try and take out one of the terrorists before going into the vault -Don't hide in the sewers the whole game -USE TEAMWORK. Get your parter to run out and have a terrorist chase him down, while you assassinate the terrorist. Tips for Zombies: -Keep your back to the wall's lol. -You can also jump into the sewers to chase after the humans. Don't forget that. -If all else fails, get the package yourself! DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE FIRST! DOWNLOAD MAP! I hope you guys enjoy the map!!!
This looks nicely built. I really don't know how it would play just from looking at the pictures, but I'll try it. Have you tested it a lot with people? EDIT: Ur links aren't working. They keep taking me to the screen where you sign in even though I already am. Maybe it's just me now, but bungie isn't even working. To the side it says that this site might not have windows live ID or is having problems.
this is a well cool map it is like cops and robbers i am going to make a new type it is going to be like yous but the stone is a bomb instead and you have to get it to the van orsomething like that but this map is very nice very well made 9/10
Thanks guys. It plays really well, and is very addicting. I play tested it with many people. It plays kind of like the first Splinter Cell, but it is a little bit different. EDIT: Links do work. I guess it is just you.
looks pretty good, the overall idea is great and the overall flow is very nice, the map itself looks very detailed and well planned out, i don't feel this should be an infection map, but looks well made and very fun good job
Wow it looks good. I dont understand the "Splinter Cell" aspect of the game, but it looks good. 8/10 btw
Look at the gametype description. And the fact you can only assasinate the terrorists, like in Splinter Cell when you aren't allowed to use lethal force. I guess you didn't read my post at all :O
Wow man I want to compliment you on an amazing post.You told me every thing I want to know about the map and more.I'm definately downloading this.I love how you kept the feel of Splinter Cell inside of this.The package idea was genious and so was the vault.The sewer system is so splinter cell-ish too.You deserved + rep and you got it for one great post and one great map.And dude pleaaaase make more.I can not wait to play this with ym friends and have loads of fun.Thanks =].
NIce map dude! I iked the first one a lot and this one looks better. I don't know if you considered this, but I think it would be cool if theZombies COULDNT climb into the wall after SAm. That would lead to a lot of "Got him got him GOT HIM GOT HIM!...DAMN!!!!" moments. Lol. Good map.
this looks pretty good, i like the fact that the gameplay resembles splinter cell. i like all the aesthetic touches. very nice
This map sounds like its a blast to play on. I was always fond of the splinter cell series(franchise?). Especially Pandora Tomorrow, this map reminds me of the multiplayer in that game. 5/5