I ran into this same problem on a map I'm currently working on. I had a single open box setup across the map from the play area where I setup a receiver teleporter, active camo, and a man cannon that shoots you back into the play area. Worked perfectly everytime I tested in Forge, but when I was ready to test out the map in custom games, I hit the ceiling every time and landed in the very back room of the play area - not the intended target at all unless I want you to land on top of the shotgun every time (I don't). What I eventually had to do was lower the angle of the cannon so that I barely made it over the wall of the play area in Forge (sometimes I didn't make it over). When I tested it out in custom games, the arch was much higher and it worked perfectly every single time. Conclusion...you have to build your maps in Forge to work with the altered physics in custom games. Super annoying, I know, but worth it if you want the map to be playable.
Is there an easier way to adjust the angle of the man cannon other than tipping it slightly and then doing the save/quit method?
I got lucky. The single open box I had the man cannon sitting in was a floating box. All I had to do to get it to tilt forward was place a single box on the floor in front of the open box and drag the man cannon forward slightly until it adjusted correctly. Usually, though, save/quit is going to be your best bet.
I made my first serious map a while ago and this bug was the bane of my existence. My meticulously placed mancannons all of a sudden shoot me straight into a wall or too high, for no particular reason other than to spite me. I didn't even switch to a custom game. Ridiculous. But what's even more infuriating is that somehow I do not jump as high as other people. My friend can jump into a double box from the front of a mongoose, or on top of a sideways bridge, but after 500 million repeated attempts in multiple different games I have verified that I do in fact jump about a foot lower than everyone else, even in MM. WTF, Bungie.
I think that I have the same problem. All of my friends that I play with and people that I play against seem to jump higher than me. For example, trying to jump up to the Brute Shot "shelf" from the ramp on Epitaph, or going into the "blue room" (the one with that weird fuzzy ball thing on the celing that noone really knows what it is) on Guardian. Everyone else can do it,b ut no matter how I time it, no matter if i pull my legs up or not, I just cant seem to get there.
I agree. You see zero man cannons on 90% of maps because they just dont work right. If bungie fixed this it would open up so many horizons.