Those guys who just have to get the last word in.... ;)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Supa Midget, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    i personal like the mauler in some situations
  2. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Frankly dual magnums ftw.
    The funny thing is,they always expect a shotty or a mauler etc so they keep there distance....which makes their AR absolutely useless and magnums are a very strange gun for a dual since they have good range.
    A seemingly crap weapon i use to own paranoid players ^^
    Other than that i like the "fill the screen with bullets" you get with staplers,they're faster and easier to use than spiker i find.
  3. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    1. Please tell me you told HIM that.
  4. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    I hate the duel wield penalty, there's no point most of the time.
  5. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Oh yeah,me and my bro worked together on some of the emssages back.
    I tell you you know youv won utterly when the idiot whos picked hte fight with
    "fuk u ***** all you do is ***** shotty!"
    when his last messages comprise of "how mature of you" and bad attempts at guilting me.

    #45 Supa Midget, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  6. T0RTZ0R

    T0RTZ0R Ancient
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    I was playing Team Snipers with 4 of my friends, and we were owning. We were covering every side of the map picking off noobz with our snipers. The final score was around 50-18. Us, trying to be the bigger men ended the match with a "Good game guys" (not sarcastic) and were stopped by a strange kid with an excrutiatting high yelp "You guys are a bunch a **** go **** your *** till your **** goes ****" and kept going on and on and on. We laughed. People like that are just out of their minds.
  7. V

    V Ancient
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    My favorite is when anyone, old or young, starts trying to be a hard ass during a match or starts acting like a gangster. There is nothing gangster about Halo (with the exception of Johnson lol). And there's also the kids who sound like they're deepthroating their mic because I hear their breathing over my thoughts. There's also the people who only use sniper take about 100,000 shots, maybe get 5 headshots at the most and claim they're the **** and I'm a ***** because I use any weapon I can get my hands on (this is usually in a game when I go +10 and he goes -90 too). Sometimes if I think someone's being a douche I'll purposely start the mesage war just to see how stupid the person is and I'll keep baiting the person to reply to what I'm sending him and I'll try to see how long I can get him/her going before they giveme the "I'm so mature and I'll end this arguement" bullshit when after my long intelligent messages he/she replied to everyone of them with "u is gay" or something along that I.Q. level.

    And one more thing, why does almost every person that I play with thats from Europe that doesn't agree with me start calling me a dumb, fat wanker and tells me to go eat a big mac or a donut? All Americans are not fat, unless NBA players, NFL players, WNBA players, MLB players, NHL players, as well as people in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines don't count as American.
  8. made49

    made49 Ancient
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    im just going to say this NFL players weigh alot and the line men are fat
    and why do i always get stuck with the natzi german who yells into the mic in german in team doubles ?
  9. V

    V Ancient
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    True some lineman are fat but even they gotta be in pretty good shape to move eachother around on the line. My point is not all americans are fat yet almost every person over seas just "knows" that all Americans are fat. It really pisses me off considering I have nothing against Europeans but it seems once I say one thing they dont agree on, I'm suddenly a fat American.
  10. MadMaxZH55

    MadMaxZH55 Ancient
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    why are yall talking about SvR07 on the halo disscussion board
  11. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Cuz fighting stereotypes with stereotypes is fun.
    They call us dumb british(but i is irish...lolwut?) farmers,we call em fat.
    Ofc there are exeptional assholes on both sides,who i'm sure neither side is proud of but the "victims" of this ridiculousness always stereotype it as the nation...unavoidable :p
    I personally have run into so many retarded americans that occasionally i dont even give them a chance and just ice them out or act the **** a bit.
    I dont like it but its hard to stop.
    In short
    American idiots call us faggots
    English idiots call us americans
    The intelligent just sit back and laugh
  12. V

    V Ancient
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    Amen to that.
    And the ironic thing is I like playing with people from Europe more because a LOT more Europeans dont act like idiots with IQs lower than their age than people here (in the U.S.) do and are overall more fun to play with.
  13. The God of Grunge


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    I greatly enjoy playing with europeans, the are more intellegent than americans and are less prone to scream ****** over and over again into headsets
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Its unfortunate but true :S
    Ofc you do get retarded europeans/uk people aswell
  15. The God of Grunge


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    Oh hell yeah. I try to be friendly online, and some europeans just cuss me out for being american, and I say, 'dude, I hate america. You could not find a less american american." Then they say, "Go eat a whopper" and I say, "Burger King sucks."
  16. made49

    made49 Ancient
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    europeans are funner to play with intil they start talking then i cant understand a word they are saying

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