been really bored with no broadband over the last mont and have been working on some maps. i searched the forums for "soccer ball hill" and couldn't find anyone else that had done this so i wanted to share the gist of something i've been working on. It's a two-team arena map, square in shape. there is one soccer ball in the middle. The spawns are at the corners and below the arena so that one must grav lift up to join the game after respawning. The point of the game is to "take posession" of the ball by standing on it. The team without the ball can shoot the ball from under the guy standing on it to try and take posession. A man standing on the ball earns a point every second. The only weapons are smg's (no duals). Players spawn with overshields that do not recharge. The man on the ball has 100% leech, and is the only one who can recharge shields. The arena is appropriately sized for teams of 3-4 i believe, and is lined with force walls to keep the ball away from the edges. The map has gone through two complete builds and is looking pretty good. I'm looking forward to posting it once i get some pics and playtests in.
the hill is floating above the arena at such a height that jumping into the hill will not grant you a point (because you fall out of it quickly), but standing on the soccer ball will allow you to stand in the hill as long as you are not knocked off. Standing on the soccer ball is the only way to remain in the hill long enough to get points.
Sounds like a very creative idea, let me know when you are done. I also do not think anyone has done this for because I have not seen it...
Does the ball move much? It would be really a pain to have to bash the ball back so you can stand on it, only to be double/triple teamed. However, I like the idea of this, especially with teams, and especially with the spawn points below the arena which eliminates spawn camping.
in response to PHEONIX 874: the ball does move a lot, but it does not matter where in the arena the ball is. the hill marker covers the entire arena so that anyone standing on the ball at any point in the arena will be able to earn points. the map is basically done, i just can't upload it until sunday, and i usually can't play until the weekends due to lag (i can't get much bandwidth during the weekdays because i live on a college campus). i look forward to the first real play test with anyone interested.
i would appreciate your help and that of anyone else who wants to try out my newest brain child. anyone interested can add me as a friend. my gamertag is distance 0 . that is a zero
I'm actually very busy with school, despite how interested I am in this map. I'd prefer if you let me know beforehand when you're planning to test it, or at least contact me on AIM or PM me or something. AIM: mxwsn Other note: Oh and, for gods sakes please change the name of your creation. Lolball? :\
lolball rofl i couldn't think of a name. i'm sure somebody can help me think of a more serios monicker
Evenball. The game is kinda like oddball, but then again, it really isn't. I'm sure you know what I mean here.
There is Soccer Hill. I can't seem to find the post here, though. Also, if anyone checks my fileshare, I have this Infection minigame that has four balls inside of a shielded room, so they bounce a lot. I never got it right, so I just gave up on it. (I don't care if you modify or whatever. I give up!)
I made the Soccer Hil map a while ago, you can find it here. It sounds as if we had different ideas with our maps though. However, where did you search? Becuase I would think that "Soccer Ball Hill" would have quickly brought up my map.
wow this mini game sounds really good. and the way i understand in there is no honor rule system (always a plus). when its complete i would love to test it with you. GT: bkbillsfan
I did find soccer hill, but reading the description I concluded that it was a totally different game to what i am making. The maps might look similar, i haven't looked at the screenies for Soccer Hill.