I heard that Bungie will be releasing a map nick-named, "Purple Reign". What kind of customization potential do you think it will have?
I dont think it will have much, well because Purple reign is codename for midship. So can you imagine forging on midship?
i think i remember lukems writing that purple reign was not an halo 2 or one re-make my guess is that it will have the same potential as cold storage
Bungie has actually stated that Purple Reign is a completely new map. That said, its very well possibly influenced, however largly, by Midship.
yep it sure is because its purple. Purple because of the colour and reign because it is god of all competitive maps.
man, i love watching the neutral bomb games on midship from 07' and 06'. some of the greatest moments in MLG history are on that beauty.
I'm pretty sure purple reign is in no way like midship, the only thing similar to it at all is the purple colours.
I can say with absolute certainty that Purple Reign is NOT Midship, or a Midship remake. Bungie stated that there would be one-way glass on the map, which puts Midship out of the question. The only room that could use that would be the room underneath the most open part of the map's top, where there were Plasma Batteries (sorry, I didn't ever learn H2 MLG callouts). Purple Reign will have a lot of said glass, which means it won't be Midship. However, I'm 99% sure there will be a Midship remake in the next map pack. Why? Because that one guy that always posts on MLGpro (you know, the ex-Bungie employee that is no longer under the "no-talking" agreement with his former company) said it would be. Everything he's said before has come true, so there's no reason for his Midship "prophecy" to not come true as well.
Purple Reign isn't a remakes. Bungie has already said that. I'm sure it will have some immovable stuff but nothing amazing.
no, unless bungie fixes something. i think its that there isnt a notification when the other team picks up your bomb, or something along those lines. it might also be when the other team plants your bomb there isnt a notification on topic: purple reign isnt middy, and it will have the same forging potential as cold storage, or maybe black out if doesnt have a roof
I definately wouldn't mind a Midship remake Bungie could easily make it where everything is deletable. Any forgehub member could make it on foundry. You never no the potential a map has before you see it.
By one way glass, do you mean glass that can be seen through one way, or shot through one way? I can't really say I'm excited about a midship remake, it was a map that never really grabbed me. But your reasoning here seems pretty solid, do you know this guys posting name?
Seen through one way. Sorry for not clarifying. As much as I'd like to, I don't remember it. If I ever figure it out or remember it, I'll be sure to PM you or post it on this thread. Well, I'm gonna go work on that stupid, hellacious, annoying, frustrating guide... about how to complain properly. Kidding, I'll go work on section 3 of the Objective guide. Debo- out.