the second one. ps would you be able to make a logo for my 2v2 team. our name is the aviators, the colors would be like green gold, and i guess it would have to invole airplanes. thanks a bunch
I like the second one best Sean. Silenced M24? Pretty sick I also made an aviators sig cuz i was bored...
I wouldn't call cropping an image, adding a border and plastering your name on it a sig made by you. But hey... I guess it's just me.
Reynbow, I suggest you stop the flaming because its pissing people off. And Blood Fire, Id say you stay with the second one. It just has a nice flow with the text.
A Signature is used to identify your self. Real Signatures are just the persons name. I have my name in all of them. The only diffrence is that I have a picture. Who cares if i don't have any effects on it. I like them without effects.
Lolol, and your point is? As if I'm going to just say things to please people... If you don't like it then you can either not read what I say and wait till I get banned or just leave. I agree, however it's not like you made them.
I sorta see your point Reynbow. But what I dont understand is why you feel the need to **** with people. Why cant you just give a soft opinion and move on?
I would like to learn how to accualy find out how to make my own.. Like the cool designs people have of like flashes and sorts.. I would really like to see how to make them or find them
I could teach you over xbox live. Are you on CaMOfo's friends list? If so my GT is FRESH PLASMA. Ill send you an FR.
If I gave a soft opinion I fell like I would be lieing. You can google some really good websites for tutorials. This is a pretty decent site Tutorial9 - Tutorial Bliss. Well actually, if you knew any better then you would realise that I do have a sig, but you just can't see it. If you want to see what my current sig is then look at my thread. The one I am currently using is at the very top, the blue one. I made all the ones in that thread. SO STFU NUB =D