Who else is excited for this game? i think it will be the halo killer, COD4 killer, hell, nothing it gonna top this. I mean it is 50 cent, the greatest rapper ever how can it not be good? he gonna go slap the **** outta master cheif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1J9TMwXvSA
I like how you posted this to become a flame thread... It's not a good idea, and it could make users angry with you, that you didn't want angry with you. I'm not disappointed, but I take this sarcastically, and will not listen to a word you have put down upon this thread.
Ya it was, i was just pointing out how every 50 cent fan is probably a white rich spoiled kid that will do anything for him. But about the game, idk about this the trailer looks cool but idk about the game And he probably should have done a movie instead. What's next a Lil Wayne video game?
Well xplay did a review of the first game. Guess what they said: It was complete crap. So, i wonder what this game will be.
This game is so easy to make fun of. Seriously. Like, look into what the story for the game is, and you're sure to laugh either because it's terribly ridiculous, or because you're sure to think of a joke about it.
wow this looks so retarded, I'd like to know exactly why the hell 50 cent is in the ****ing middle east? It looks like the must avoid game of the year.
LoL 50 cent is far from the greatest rapper. What makes you say so? Apart from the fact that you like him.
ah, so that explains the frequencey of Power Metal Noobs around my school. Go back to rap, pretenders. If you want REAL metal, I may recommend Iron Maiden
I thought this was a late April Fools joke, unfortunately for the wallet of many 50 cent fans (and no one else), it isn't.
Maybe on the internet but definently not my town. It has a story that is worth 50 cents! He had a concert in the middle east, some gang lord rips him off, and he wants revenge. I love how this game comes out on the same month as gears of war 2.
Lululul rap sucks. Haha, most people who used to listen to rap have moved to more of hip-hop-ish stuff or back to some form of the good 'ole rock. I think this game will be not only terrible, but will sell terribly.