RROD Question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by T0RTZ0R, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. T0RTZ0R

    T0RTZ0R Ancient
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    I was recently playing halo 3 on meh 360 and i was on it for about 45 mins then it froze. I gave it about an hour, then tried it again. I turned it on and then it froze at the dashboard. Then teh 3rd and final time it get RROD. 3 rings so ik its toast. Both left and bottom right. Im giving it a nite of saying goodbye then i will put it in the coffin, then off to Microsoft. I have went threw about 2-3 of them but i had the warranty so i just gave it bakk to Gamestop, except this time theres no warranty. Just wondering if you people out there would give a reasonable estimation on how long the wait will be till shes bakk home again. I have a life, but I enjoy the 360 and i like to play it maybe oncew a day at nite, but its not meh life so i can live the wait... maybe... :squirrel_sad:
  2. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I just got it yesterday too. My 360 will only go on when i put COD4 in and sometimes it still wont. it randomly goes red when im playing halo 3. I think it will be alright idk
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Well, I've recently had to send mine in too. At first on the phone they said 7-10 days. Then we got an email with the reference number to put on the box and it said 2-3 weeks. I was a little upset, but still no big deal. Then, I was talking to someone the other day, and they said that a buddy of theirs sent it off and it didn't return for 7 months. No reasons, no other destinations, it just seemed to disappear for a while on the trip and then showed up again. weird, huh? I really hope that doesn't happen to me.
  4. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    i just go an email, my xbox is on its way home :) only took about 10 days
  5. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
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    ok...phone 18004myxbox and tell them about it...you get 1 month free xbl and ittakes bout 10 days in total.....(once you ship it)

    until the box arrives at your home...smash the side a couple of times....then turn it back on....sometimes works.....
  6. T0RTZ0R

    T0RTZ0R Ancient
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    Thanks guys, I couldnt last 7 months tho.
  7. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
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    thats a freak of nature...seriously.....i have a pen pal in japan it took 9 months airmail....only once tho....dont worry it takes 10-15 days....
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    WOW now my xbox is busted. do i need a warranty to send it to microsoft because i dont think i got one?

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    if you dont have a warranty then that means you are going to have to pay for it to be fixed everything from shipping and handleing to them fixing it. but i suggest that you call microsoft and make sure that you dont have a warrenty still left.

    and back on topic when i got the Red Ring of Death it took a month for me to get my xbox back but it depends on where you live/how close you are from where they will fix it at. for example mine was sent to Texas when i got the RRoD.

    and on a side note i think i may get the RRoD again because my xbox is starting to act up on not reading the game disc and other things is happening to it.:squirrel_sad:
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Well all xboxs get a 1 year warranty from when they go on the shelf that covers anything that goes wrong with the hardware. However, they have a 3 year warranty that ONLY covers you for the RRoD. If you think it's been more than a year, then I would reccomend finding a way to make your xbox have it. The easiest way to do this is to cover it in towels and turn it on for like 20 mins. It should overheat and cause the RRoD.
  11. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Ok, I got a question. My Xbox occasionally makes a sound similar to what dial-up Internet makes when you attempt to get on it (not that I have dial-up). It does this when the disc is running. Is this bad, and what do I do if it is?
  12. T0RTZ0R

    T0RTZ0R Ancient
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    Mine does that sometimes when its on its trip from the dashboard to teh game.

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