i dont see why people are complaining about you stealing an idea from another mlg map into your own because all mlg maps are pretty much the same. i'm not saying that making an mlg map is not original but they all have the same requirements. basically it just depends on the aesthetics of the map. all mlg maps have the same basic layout and no one should complain about you stealing the ideas of other mlg maps. i am on your side for that. and nice map by the way
No, the fact that you took a map and just deleted the cover in the middle and replaced it with an extra structure makes it not yours, because to forgers, a map is only yours when it is started from scratch/canvases. And "the walls that take 1 minute" those stretch across the side of the map, those take more than a minute, and geo-merging is incredibly hard to do sideways, to get it perfect it takes many tries/per wall, and the walls geo merged atleast 4 walls, it takes like 20 mins to make 1 wall for my friends.
We Deleted Everything Except For 2 F**king Walls And 2 Scenerys Above The Map Covering The Crane, The Bases And Everything Else Are All By Us
first of all the map you stole from took around 1600 hours to make according to fritzsters blog. you obviously havent geo-merged before.
Look Kid I Gave Him Credit And Im Taking The Little Part That We Kept Of His Off The Map So I Dont Have To Deal With You anymore cause your pissing me off and i have geo merged before theres noway it should of taken 1600 hours
did you even take a second to look at the map before you deleted everything that you decided you werent going to steal. 85% of the things in the map were geo'd and most of the **** was on a custom angle. custom angling is harder than geo-merging stuff. especially if you need to do it on both sides of the map.
YOU MUST READ THIS "Time spent Forging: 800 hours each Duration of Map building for Amplified: 3 months Versions up to Amplified v1.8 that are considered major changes of Amplified: 10 Amount of map saves from fixes: well over 1000"
I like how its so obvious to tell which parts are from Amplified. You simply look at how perfectly that back wall is put together. Then you look at some of the pics closely and ask yourself, "Can you not put a single box in straight?" I mean in the second last pic there is a clear gap between the stairs and box, not to mention the box that is slightly raised above the level of the stairs is not even close to being level. Plus if you look at the overshield base, the top box on one of the towers is not even close to resting directly on top of the one below it.
im done arguing so whatever you guys say cause cleary you guys are the ones who made the map since you guys just seem like you THINK you know everything, come to think of it you guys want me to take the video of us making it and upload it into my fileshare to prove you guys wrong cause you guys cleary dont know what your talking about
Uhh, you used more than the blocked off rooms. Like say...the whole freaking back wall. By the way WheezyMoney, I love your map Torrent V2.1