hello there, this thread is dedicated to all those fanboys that feel there guy/girl/monster could kick anyones ass, so this thread is to discuss who would win in that fight, don't forget to discuss why/how: What weapon would they use what weekness/strengths do they have etc. ill get the ball rolling: Master chief v Godzillla don't forget you could start your own one but make sure someone has replied to the one before, and be realistic guys, please don't put someone that is obviously going to win, make one thats a fair fight, and that people would be interested in. rules: no flamming, no spaming, and have fun
I read this and thought, "The Who would beat most bands, I wonder what band they are against in this thread". But under closer inspection, that's not what the title was. Godzilla, he's giant.
As much as the MC is awesome. Godzilla would win because of his power and weight. I think this thread has been done before, but eh
don't forget guys about all the cool weapons master chief has, im sure if you used your imagination it would be close and jay, im not sure i searched but could not find anything
Yeah, but if you watched the godzilla movie nothing stood a chance against him (weapon wise). Godzilla would crush him in one blow
Okay now a one of importance... (jk I know the other one is fun too) Who would win in a fight Frodo Baggins or The Adoring Fan (of oblivion)
oo frodo is a beast but sadly i have never played oblivion so i couldn't really say, but with the ring im sure froddo would win edit: "Yeah, but if you watched the godzilla movie nothing stood a chance against him (weapon wise). Godzilla would crush him in one blow" true true, but in halo its the future im sure the army has some big top secret missle, or they could just use the halo ring
I have no idea who the heck those guys are. how about this. Who would win... Hulk Hogan vs Josef Stalin.
Hilton, she would sic dogs on pamela. How about this, The Hardcore Wrestling Superstar Raven vs The Hardcore Porn Star Ron Jeremy
Raven. Dun even know who the other guy is. Raven was one of my fav original ECW guys. Batman vs. Sub-Zero
The Joker would win, the sandman is a talentless Drunk. The guys from Simple Plan vs. the Guys from Good Charlotte.
WTF, sandman is a beast. anyways, Good Charlotte guys. They had that one video where they were riding bikes, and they could run simple plan over. How about Barack Obama vs Muhammed Ali, with brain damage
Ali. He'd be swinging wildly and be bound to hit obama at least once, which is enough times to be victorios. Mario vs. Luigi.
omg. I can't decide. ummmmmm, probably Luigi. He is taller and his final smash for SSBB is a psychedelic acid trip how about Brett Favre vs Aaron Rodgers.
Aaron Rodgers, Brett Favre is a little ***** that cries and complains about how after he retired, he can't get back on the team. Yeah. How about Al Pacino vs. Michael Cann