Map Title: plethora o boxs This map can be used for many gametypes. The best gametypes I have found to work well with this map are slayer and free for all. This map has many 90 degree angles which make turns and walls to create perfect tactical gameplay. Description:I got the idea for this level by placing random boxes and interlatching others into them. After a while i got better at it and finished the level with many more items, weopons, ect. It is very fun to play with your little brother late at night when no one else is online . It was a simple idea to start with, but it grew into a fun level that will not get boring fast. In this picture i have a brute shot room; across the level is a man cannon that shoots you into this room. It adds an element to the level that is very pleasing. Special thanks to XBL Gamertag peanuthater 132 This is my first map, so its obviously not the best or cleanist. Download Map Gametypes: slayer, nades and spades, swat,ect.
you can see the pics if you click on the " Halo 3 screenshot viewer ". you can still see the pics, it just takes longer to view them because u have to click on the link.
That's Why That's the reason people like Forgehub - easy to absorb map posting. It's not that hard and it is required if you're going to post here. Mandatory Read Before Posting Your Map
im very sorry, this is my first post, and When i first posted it i accidentally refreshed the page, that is why it was first posted without pics, could u guys tell me how? in a PM.
the posting about pics stops here. to post pics go into the community maps section and read the sticky about embeding pics. you have 24 to fix the post. everyone esle STOP THE SPAM
umm bahama boy, dont double post, its bad. Also you need to fix ur pics. go to the fourms for help, or ask a member.
it looks like it might have some good gameplay but you should work on your map some more and make it look nicer. the bridges in pic 2 on the wall look really sloppy and you could flip the boxes upside down for better looks. i'd advise making a V2 which is much neater.
hey is this the map that you asked my to get locked cause it is a well cool map i would have alist of the weapons in the map thought because i couldn't see any from the pics
Now that you finally have your pics up I will comment on the map. For starters as already said it looks a little sloppy, however this reminds me of the original foundry and that is one of my favourite maps as a standard map with no editing. I like the way you did not try to make a structure that everthing revolves around you just built many different things to help the gameplay "flow" like the original foundry. I have one concern and that is the fact that there is a mongoose? Its not really suited for this type of map but whatever it doesn't really matter. P.S. your welcome for the help on posting pics.