gun, gun, gun i have a few things to say. What do you do to your text, because it always comes out very visible and strong i think a dark shade of green would be better, because bio-shock is a dark game. otherwise, good use of brushes [i can has linxors?] 8/10
i love this sig, but i'd like to see more of an art deco design because that was the design theme through out the game. this is also a very underrated game in general. the best 360 game in my opinion. in terms of story and art direction.
i really dont do anything much with my text i just test around with colors to find one that is visible
yes it has outline and that usually helps but i only put a outline in Darker sigs not lighter ones light yours
yeah.. i could use a few links to some brushes. and i think the end of the drill thing could be shown a little more, or covered with just a couple light and thin lines or brushes that are translucent..
Using photoshop lockdown? If you are all you need to do is go to the layer styles and put a stroke on it. If you're using gimp, I don't know what you need to do.
for Gimp go to the text layer then alpha selection the layer after you alpha select Select then Grow and increase it to make the border you want
It looks very nice, only thing I could say is that as Lockdownn said, perhaps a darker shade of green.
If you're looking for the border on text, it's under blending options under layers and it's called "Stroke" Anyway, theres some weird aura around the Big Daddy, but other than that it's alright.