Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by JDK19XX, Jul 23, 2008.

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  1. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    here is the second MLG map made by the KoA members me xWTFxRUxSeRiOuS & KoA xBIGxBOSSx, we spent quite abit of time on this map and thought it threw pretty well, we got the bases identical, there is a red and blue base we always have a 3 layered center witch is pretty tight lol, there are BRs,1 Mauler,Carbines, and Assult Rifles, we hope you enjoy please DOWNLOAD PLAY THEN COMMENT!! THANK YOU & ENJOY!!!

    PS. we did NOT completly think the weapons threw! thats why theres ARs and bruteshots and whatever else isnt in MLG we really didnt care to be honest we just put on whatever we thought would go with the map

    (Me) xWTFxRUxSeRiOuS & KoA xBIGxBOSSx (making the map)
    fritzster and zak boo (for making the f**king wall by the A & B sign witch is EASY to make we just didnt feel like it and wheezymonkey must think its brainsergery or somthing cause hes crying over it)

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    #1 JDK19XX, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  2. monk sausage

    monk sausage Ancient
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    looks like a pretty good map, just ive seen a few maps like this already
    oh and i like how you interlocked the single box with the claw thing (a part of the map)
  3. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    This looks pretty cool, I like the center structure the most. This looks very clean, and very awesome, so you would have my download, but I don't have room on my hard drive. I'll look at deleting some items from it......
  4. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    thanks guys
  5. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    you stole the entire back wall from amplified. dont say you didn't.

    and you stole the wall where yellow base is.

    the back wall is in the 5th pic.

    these two places are also the only two places with geo-merging.


    neg rep me. i dont give a **** because im right, and your a thief
    #5 WheezyMoney, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
    Orangeremi and Hooglebug like this.
  6. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Dude I don't think you can really call it MLG if you have Assault Rifles (from description) and Brute Shots (which you left out of the description [don't bother editing it in], last picture gives it away)
  7. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    didnt steal it used it, me and KoA xBIGxBOSSx kept that wall because we wanted the crane blocked off and that wall is what we were going to anyways and if you dont believe me just look at KoA MLG Map V1 in my fileshare cause the wall in KoA MLG V1 was the same that we were going to use in V2 but its close to MLGs so we used that one, and as far as yellow base goes im not sure what your talking about+

    EDIT: jebus thanks however yeah we didnt really think the hole weapons out we just wanted the map to have a MLG feeling but then we just started spawning weapons we thought would go with the map and we didnt do the single box thing thats a part of MLGs aplified thats the hole reason we forged off that map cause we wanted the crane blocked and that wall but then wheezy over here just wants to flame people before asking questions on why, but i could honestly care lesss what he thinks cause if anybody thinks im lieing simply download KoA MLG v1 in my fileshare and ill prove it to you
    #7 JDK19XX, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  8. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    the back of the map by the crane merge hasnt changed at all from the map that this was stolen from.

    you cant post something that isnt yours and say its yours. i bet you dont even know who made amplified because you clearly dont know what MLG is with the assault rifles and **** on your map. you didnt even give fritzster and zak boo any credit at all.
  9. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    WHO THE F*CK CARES ABOUT THE WEAPONS! is this a REAL mlg map? no, it was made by normal h3 players, witch means its not a real MLG map and if you download KoA MLG V1 you would again notice we made a simular wall on that one to but just so you quit your b*tching i gave them credit for the 1 f*cking wall we kept and the crane big deal what aboutt the rest of the map you want me to give them credit for that to cause they made a MLG map before me? im guessing your going to complain that we stole the idea of a MLG map now to
    #9 JDK19XX, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  10. MadMaxZH55

    MadMaxZH55 Ancient
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    dudes it doesn't madder if you used part of another map. as long as you state that you used part of amplified for it. if you are gonna use another part of a map then try not to make it look anything like the origional
  11. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    just so monkey quits his crying tomorrow i will edit my original post with the updated map were going to remove the 4 doublewalls cause thats all it is. so this kid will quit crying and we will redo it
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    the second that i saw it, i knew it came from the MLG map. It looks like more than just the blocked crane and the wall was used from that map. the bases look exactly the same as well, it just looks like the OS's and Camo's were un-interlocked from the walls and put on top, so what if a player gets up there? he gets 3 OS's... (dont tell me that is impossible, ive done a lot of impossible stunts)

    Its not a real map until you started from scratch/canvas'
    #12 Loscocco, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  13. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    umm this map looks good but the middle has too much cover it would play better with normal team slayer also the single box with the window panels was stolen from mlg amplified and the top back base is rather the same. i hope you didnt copy =( as much as it looks.

    Edit: oh never mind i see fritzer was involed with the map and you probly have his permission sorry bout that
    #13 Camoflaug, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  14. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    NOTHING else is off of MLGs maps EXCEPT for what we have already disscussed, the wall and the crane thing, everything else was us! we made everything else from a blank map, also you cant get the OS's and Invis you hit the barrier we tested that already cause we had afew problems with that but we fixed it and its also hard to get to lvl 3 you have to do afew special jumps :)

    PS. sorry for any confusion this thread may have caused but 2morrow im going to post the updated map were the ONLY thing the map will have from the MLG map is the covered crane! but currently the only thing that is used right now is those 4 double walls that make that tiny walk way i dont get why people are making it sound like it was so hard to spawn afew boxes spawn walls remove them and then do the interlocking glitch with the new round thing its not hard monkey was taking it WAY to far crying over all this

    EDIT: the window panel single box thing is included in the crane thing but everyone just chill out till tomorrow when i release the updated one cause i dont want anymore complaining for the littlest things
    #14 JDK19XX, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  15. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    ok. you didnt just steal from a random MLG map made by some no body. you stole from stole from one of the only two foundry maps that Major League Gaming uses for their LAN tournaments which are the most attended video game tournaments in North America. what if i say i wrote a poem and i stole the first 5 lines or so from "the raven" or something. its still stealing. just because its forge doesnt mean you can take other peoples creations and say they are yours. this thread should be closed, and you should be banned.
    and as for the beginning of your post you completely disregard what MLG is and just throw it infront of the name of your map like its no big deal.
    "is this a REAL mlg map? no" then why the **** is MLG in the name of your map.
    MLG isnt just something that means competitive halo. its a ****ing league with rules and regulations. its like saying your playing NFL rules but you have a soccer ball and your hitting with baseball bats.
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    nice work,
    alot of MLG maps coming out lately and their all pretty good, the maps are basec, 2 bases, two mid was bases, then a middle structure, but it was executed good
  17. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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  18. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    did i ever say i stole from nobodys? also you cant make a real MLG map only way its really going to be a real MLG map is if they use it in MLG, however im so sick of you crying and moaning we are going to fix the map right now updated version will be posted soon!

    EDIT: no idea about grifball didnt like it only played it like twice, and the bases were made from scraps i didnt even make the bases to be honest i mostly was in control of the middle center piece and the box and stuff under neith the A&B wall that monkey is whinnning about
    #18 JDK19XX, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  19. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

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    Not trying to be mean, but it sounds like you posted a map that your saying is yours when its not. Well it also doent seem to be an MLG map. But it looks pretty cool. I like the geomerging.
  20. JDK19XX

    JDK19XX Ancient
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    OMG!!! how is the map not mine? cause of 4 walls glitched into eachother that takes 1 minute to make?????
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