Theres already a thread for endings, but whats the most annoying plot related thing to happen in a movie? state the movie it happened in What i think: AVPR honestly, why would the hot chick die???
some guy got a squirt gun and filled it with warm milk waited until a sex scene and started making moaning noises and shot warm milk into the crowed
One of the worst things to happen in a movie is for the main character to die. When that happens its like all hope has gone.
ye agreed, but when your here about a great fil but its the second one and you havn't gone to see the first one, the movies going good until they start talking about before, and you have no idea
Spiderman 3 was ****ed up by the stupid sand man and the fact is venom was in the movie for two seconds was a highly disapointing as a spidy fan.
you stole my..whatever The WickerMan....Nick Cage helps everyone and in the end they are all crazy and kill him.....
i happened to like the sandman in that movie. it got ****ed up by cramming too many things into the storyline, and the directors dislike for Venom showed blatantly
i think spiderman 3 had so many things crammed into it because it was the end of the contract (in spidey 1 it tells taht toby had signed a 3 movie contract) and wasnt sure if hed make another...
its been stated that the director hates venom, and only put him in because people were bitching at him to. he was originally gonna use "the vulture" instead of venom. i think his dislike for venom carried over into the movie as well.
Anyone seen the Perfect Storm? Everyone on the ship dies. They were all pretty much main characters, too. At least one person could live!
yea...i hate that its like the directors suddenly didnt give a damn.....just like heroes...the atomic guy and the painter guy just gets killed wtf?
Wow... Starship Troopers 3. I wish I had seen that post before I posted in the Worst Trilogy thread. Ok so worst thing in a movie... I'm thinking Jaws the Revenge (4th one) where they've attached the thing to the shark so they can hit it with an electrical pulse to drive it crazy. They zap it and it pops up out of the water and lets out these really big godzilla-style roars. On second thought, I might have to file this under Most awesome thing to happen in a movie...
Uhh.. You do know that the Perfect Storm was based on actual events right? So they couldn't let anyone live, because when the boat actually sank in real life.. No one lived.. So having everyone drown in that movie was a must or else all hell would have broken loose from the family's of the fisherman that died.
worst thing IMO was in 300 when Leonidas fought so hard through out the entire movie just to be killed. I was pissed yet sad.