Map Title: GOOSE CHUTE by 'a dumb cat' The Chute. Man-handling competitors since 2552. MAP variant: Download 'Goose Chute rc' here GAME variant: Download 'Goose Chute gm' here For: 2-8 Drivers Type: Mongoose Racing Selling Point(s): 100% Cheater/Shortcut Free; Professional/Quality Feel; The Goose Chute lightens up the mood on this otherwise challenging track Despite my gamertag (lol), a lot of effort and planning went into making one of the most unique racing experiences in Halo 3. Playtested hundreds of times by me and dozens of times by others, it is guaranteed to work and you will have a blast. Everyone always remembers the unique and fun features of the track, but make no mistake, this is a technical track that will test your driving skills and power-sliding technique. With the exception of the last leg of the circuit through the back corridor, you can attack these turns at full speed if you know how to powerslide effectively. Halo Racing Overview: Traditionally, honor rules (it's an "ok guys, I won't shoot you if you don't shoot me" kind of thing) were necessary to keep order during a "race" so that some form of unofficial scoring could be done. But as we all know, it doesn't take long for things to break down and you begin hearing things like "Ftw r u doin?!? stop killi...(BLARGH!!!)" <-- a spartan's dying voice taking over the fallen player's mic. Who is likely cursing. A lot. As quickly as the race began, it has ended in a flurry of betrayals and bloody, bloody death. My map and game variant solve all those problems, with a one-way, closed circuit track that eliminates all forms of backtracking and out-of-bounds shenanigans. If you have a score to settle with your buddy over who is a better driver, load up the accompanying game variant to turn on scoring. Each lap scores you 1 point, and each VIP kill earns you -1 point (for all the jerks out there). So essentially the fastest 3 lap driver of that round will be at +1. The game variant is initially set up to be 4 rounds of 3 laps each, but this can be easily adjusted for more/less rounds or more points per round. The idea behind making each round relatively short is to keep those who fall behind from falling VERY FAR behind. Also with the reset you get the exhilaration of everyone fighting for that top spot in the first few turns! And since this is an 'every man for himself' style race, anyone who tries to join your team as a non-VIP for non-racing mischief will have a little surpise... Track Description: (CLICK ON ANY IMAGE FOR A FULL-SIZE VIEW) Every attempt was made to utilize all of the space in this 3-dimensional box (yes, you will be going airborne), and I am very happy with the results. _________________________________________________ The design of the starting gate where the gooses are parked is by itself worth the download! The circuit starts on the far, open end opposite the windows, with the slightly elevated platforms that lead all drivers into a shallow S-curve. _________________________________________________ This is the only easy part of the track, as it gets very technical the rest of the way (read: KNOW YOUR MONGOOSE AND HOW TO POWERSLIDE!). This shallow S-curve is followed by a haripin-left and into the straightaway through the middle of the warehouse. _________________________________________________ I am very pleased with this part as it IS possible to carry your momentum through to the next left turn, which is another S-turn no less. This second, tighter S-turn leads to this track's namesake, the infamous 'Goose Chute.' _________________________________________________ The 'Goose Chute,'once entered, will propel your 'Goose up, backward, through the chute (and over the aforementioned straightaway), and then into an array of suspended shield doors that act to catch you like a "net." Pictured is a teleporter behind the "A" sign, that will take you back to the beginning in case shenanigans ensue and someone steals your wheels. _________________________________________________ After you stop bouncing around, you will land near those windows I mentioned earlier and continue on to the window-side office space. A double bridge leads you into the office. Pictured again is the teleporter for getting back to the beginning. _________________________________________________ Around the corner and down the corridor for the second second straightaway (a bit shorter). At the end, follow the lighted fire/plasma grenade trail to the right and out of the corridor. You may need to slow down, but if you hit this curve at full speed there is a way to navigate this turn. Be cautious, this is a very tight turn. _________________________________________________ Up the next ramp you will go, propelled by another man-cannon up and through the mid-air checkpoint. _________________________________________________ You will fall back down to the start of the circuit where a shield door helps to break your fall. The design of the suspended starting gate really shines here because you don't have to worry about avoiding parked Gooses in your way. Twice more through the track and you have yourself three points! Pictured are a receiver Teleporter node and Custom Powerup. The teleporters act to take you back to the beginning from either the halfway point or any of the out of bounds areas (which are impossible to access, and nearly impossible if attempted on foot. The custom power up brings your movement speed and gravity back to 100% for 30 seconds, just in case you find it difficult to make the jump back up to a Goose at the current movement settings. _________________________________________________ Enjoy! --Dumb Cat MAP variant: Download 'Goose Chute rc' here GAME variant: Download 'Goose Chute gm' here
Re: Goose Chute (by 'a dumb cat') - VIP Racing at its finest Lol i did a starting gate just like that a while back... to keep fairness, otherwise youd haveta either widen the track or make people start behind I understand what ye mean about DLn it...
Re: Goose Chute (by 'a dumb cat') - VIP Racing at its finest Great post, and I can't even begin to figure out the track even with your descriptions and the pictures, so I'm definitely looking forward to trying it out. One thing though. Topic titles are supposed to be just the name of the map, not an advertisement for it. I know a few other people haven't followed that rule, but hopefully that will change, because it's not fair to those of us who do follow it and have our topics stand out less. If your track is as cool as your post makes it look, it will get the attention it deserves even with a normal title.
My bad. I have made the necessary correction. I guess I just assumed it was okay after seeing many other posts follow that format. I have changed the title to the name of the map ONLY. Thanks for the correction. --dumb cat
Just tried this out, and yes, this track is as cool as your post makes it look. For one thing, it's obvious that you spent a lot of time getting everything just perfect, so the map has a more professional look than most racetracks that people have just thrown together. The "goose chute" part is really cool without being gimmicky (i.e. it doesn't disrupt racing too badly), and that shield door landing after the big jump across the finish line works amazingly well. The first time I did it I thought it was going to send me flying, but instead it just dropped me gently on my wheels, and it's done that every time I've tried it. Finally, I appreciate that you've made it uncheatable, because that's definitely something I look for in a serious racing map. There are a ton of Foundry racetracks out there (I even have one), but this one really stands out. Definitely a 5/5.
Thank you for the kind words! Yes, this track is virtually uncheatable, and I did spend many hours on it. I would save it thinking it is complete, only to want to change/improve something a moment later. I could probably improve upon tiny things here and there indefinitely, but I knew I had it 99.99% complete and had to get it on so I could find out what people other than me and friends think of it. Again, thanks for the kind words. --dumb cat Im in teh Mon-guse, gettin chuted awayz
I just wanted some of your personal opinions, but what did you think of the name itself, "Goose Chute?" This map didn't receive as much attention as I believe it deserved, so I am guessing that the name of the map had something to do with it (i.e. not appealing). I did get a lot of downloads when it was on the front page (very encouraging), but no one posted comments and then the downloads stopped. :-( If you could give me your feedback, I will make sure to give my next map a more appropriate name (more/less silly or serious). I am new to this site and am still trying to get accustomed how things work here. Thanks everyone! --dumb cat
Great map, but try not to double post. Instead, edit your post and add on. You can even seperate it with a header. Code: _________________________________________________ It looks like this: _________________________________________________ And if you really want people to know its seperate, use 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
dumb cat, I think a lot of it is that the interest in actual, fair, VIP racetracks is a lot smaller than the interest in tracks that are just really cool to drive around on but maybe not so good for actual racing. I thought this track was great because I like real mongoose racing, and obviously you do too, but I think we're in the minority.
Re: Goose Chute [100% Cheat-Free] I've grown more and more fond of starting areas like yours, so I'm going to have to give this a download and check it out when I get home tonight. The only real feedback that I can give you right now is that your post was clean and the pictures showed me something that got me to download it. I'll let you know about the map once I actually get to check it out later.
Re: Goose Chute [100% Cheat-Free] This map looks pretty fun and also like glimflicker i like the starting lines like yours. What really caught my eye in this map was the turn with the firebomb grenades because it was colourful and I am just so dumb that a little thing like that will get my download! Good work!
Re: Goose Chute [100% Cheat-Free] It was done not only for aesthetics, but in playtesting I found that players were crashing into this wall and not realizing the upcoming turn. The lighted turn helped tremendously, and it didn't take players more than one run-through to grasp the concept of "SLOW DOWN" to make this turn. It is possible to "ungracefully" crash into this wall at full speed and then make the turn, so keep this in mind if you need to make up some time on your opponents. Also, for everyone: I know I asked for feedback on the track, but I would like to ask your opinions on the gametype. Specifically, how the laps are broken down into rounds. It has worked well with no complaints so far, but I know others like the concept of "marathon" style racing. All of the setting are easily changed, so if you want this type of race, you can just edit my existing game type. Thank you! --dumb cat
i downloaded the map, the game variant has an error i cant download it, and one more thing, blarg comes from an elite's tongue, not a spartan's.
I already got this map from a friend, I still have it and love it... good job! p.s. you can use the bungie 500 variant, just reduce the laps...
SORRY EVERYONE! THE LINK FOR THE GAMETYPE WAS BROKEN, BUT IS NOW FIXED. Please excuse the type that caused this. In the future, just go to my file share and grab it from there. Gamertag is the same as my name here, "a dumb cat" Thanks for the comments! --a dumb cat