VolleyBomb is a unique, symmetrical variation of the GrifBall map. This map features two sniper spots, two bases perfect for assault or CtF, two machine gun turrets, and a hole you drop the bomb in . The starting weapons are a sword and a hammer. This map supports Ctf and Assault. If you liked the Grifball map you'll love this one. This is my first post so i'm new to forgehub. This map took me about 3-4 hours. You must download the two game variants for Capture the flag and assault. Link To Download: Detonate.Bombs.(Assault Variant) Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing King Of Da Flag(CtF Variant) Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing VolleyBomb(Map Variant) Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Now for some pictures!!! OverView http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r366/dorkdiggler/halo3forgedmaps3.jpg SnipingTower http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r366/dorkdiggler/halo3forgedmaps2.jpg A base thats symmetrical to the other one http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r366/dorkdiggler/halo3forgedmaps.jpg So Thank You For Downloading And Enjoy
WTF? This is the community service section man. You need to post your maps in the community maps section. But please get this locked before you do that. I would also recommend you to embed your pics before posting it correctly. P.S. Welcome to Forgehub
Here are some things to help you out if you don't know what you are doing. Request your map to be posted! - Click here! Shock Theta's Map Posting Template
Hey dont copy and past the ling to your pics just go to the little box where you can change your font and all that stuff and look for the little box that has two mountains in it click that then a box will pop up and now you copy and past it.
its not that simple. you have to save the pics to your comp, then go to imageshack.us and put them in there. then copy the direct link at the bottom of the page. then copy paste into the mountains or whatever