Debate Abortion: Yes or No?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Saberwing 9875, Jul 22, 2008.

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  1. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Alright, I know this is a very sensitive issue. It's been done alot on other forums and it just turns into a religious flame war...
    But I want to know, what gives someone else the right to tell someone who's pregnant that she can't have an abortion because a book says so...

    Scenario 1:
    Boy 1 and Girl 1 are 16, they think they are in love so they have sex without a condom, or the condom breaks. Neither of them want a baby, but she gets pregnant anyway. He finds out, leaves her, and she is forced to raise the child on her own. The girl drops out of school, get's a dead end job. Probably gets kicked out of her home... And then when the baby is born she is forced to quit work, raise a baby as a single teen mother, the baby grows up as a bastard child, without a father and turns out to be just another hoodlum... All because someones religion says that they can't have an abortion because it's a sin?

    People who stand at street corners or protest outside abortions clinics have no idea what they are talking about. They are telling someone who doesn't want a baby that she has to keep it or else she will end up in hell? Hmmm.... Seems like they're playing off your fears of the unknown... But then again, I hate religion entirely.
  2. R0CKET M00SE

    R0CKET M00SE Ancient
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    ok saberwing im not that old but what i can tell you is that this subject has a lot of mixed oppinions. and after browsing the subject a little you realize a lot of things.
    A: that abortions matter with the person who wants it or not. making it not a yes or no question.
    B: Abortions cause lots of violence like destruction and arsen.
    C: unless somebody has gone through an abortion in my opinion has no reason to protest against it.
    D: Needs more interlocking jk jk.

    but you see abortion is a very difficult subject that has people that say its good and others bad. the bible im sure says its good in some parts and bad in others/​
  3. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    It's more the people that go out and harrass the people who want an abortion just because they believe it is wrong... But i guess this could easily turn into a rights and freedom of speech argument...
  4. R0CKET M00SE

    R0CKET M00SE Ancient
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    well i completely agree with your last statement and think that unless the harassers have had an abortion then they shouldnt be harassing anyone.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  5. The Nasal Abyss x

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    I personally think just don't have sex until you are married, if you follow that, then no STD's, and no unwanted Baybays.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You can still get STDs from not actualy having sex. Babies though can be prevented with precautions.

    XERAXES Ancient
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  8. NotACoolPlace

    NotACoolPlace Ancient
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    If the baby will be in pain or shame its whole life, but not too late.

    If the baby can be taken care of, (adequate cloths, healthy, etc.) most of the time I would think its wrong.

    I think its fine if the baby is missing two arms, disfigured face, and the mommy can't even afford it.

    I got some news hot off the press:

    The Cost of Raising a child - $321,520
    Cost of Abortion - $372-468
    #8 NotACoolPlace, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  9. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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  10. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    I vote no, thanks though.

    and if you'd like a reason:

    The obvious,

    That kid could be the next president, man on jupiter, next heath ledger, who knows.

    Besides killing any baby is wrong. That should be meant for God and God alone.
  11. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Please continue this debate in the existing thread related to it here
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