How do you securly merg something such as a doublebox, into a wall, straight and even? Also, how do you do that for a ceiling? And by geomering into the wall, I mean at an elevated height. If anyone can actually just show me online, I can be on XBL at any time you need tonight and all day tomorrow. Just send me a message about it. (I'm actually getting on right after this post to mess around in Forge.) My XBL gamertag is I Pavidus I Just send me a friend request saying you're from forgehub. Thanks.
get the box to your required height by using the save and quit method. save and quit suff below below it(reciever nodes) on the sides (sender nodes) and above it(reciever nodes) this then use the door method. if you dont understand. i dont know how much simpler i can make it.
Doesn't work properly. No matter how tight I squeeze those nodes next to the double box, once I use the doors to merge it into the wall, it vibrate radically and usually just pops right out of the wall. And that's only with pushing it twice. I need to get some things into the wall using 3-4 pushes. I can't even get it to the 3rd push. :squirrel_nono: Still ISO halp with this. Thanks for the reply though.
have you tried using things other then nodes, and try it with more doors... and make sure your tapping the A button not holding it, trying to force the box into the wall
You can't ask for a better explanation than the one found here: Merging Immovable Objects with Map Geometry Props be to: Shock Theta Gentlemanly Sock Monkey
There is a VERY easy way to geomerge without save/quitting or even starting a new round. But its going to cost you 100 +rep points. jk here it is: You put the box against the wall or floor. You surround it with other immovables. You spawn a door, push it into the box as far as you can into the box. grab the box, wait for it to stop shaking, and it will settle into the ground/wall/ceiling.