Remakes and other maps by zzzz Me zzzz

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by zzzz Me zzzz, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. zzzz Me zzzz

    zzzz Me zzzz Ancient
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    I am new to this site so I thought I would introduce myself by showing you guys some of the maps I have made.

    I am a stickler for gameplay, and that comes first before looks. I try to make maps remakes look as much as I can like the originals but not at the sake of the gameplay. my original maps are the same way they might not look like much but the game play is extremely fun. so please enjoy


    There has not been many remakes of this map so I decided to make one and I thought it turned out pretty well, especially since I only had to make it once unlike some of the other maps that I had to do many times over to get them right. This map includes most if not all the little neat features that Gemini brought to us. You can still get on the tree branches, the prophet statue is still there, plus the gameplay feels the same which is a must in my remakes.


    I was not sure how this one was going to play but I ended up really liking the game play that the map brings forth almost more then what I did on the original. ( no I am not saying that because I made it. One thing I am is honest about maps. Bases are still numbered (in this case lettered lol) still have the drop down for rockets. I made it so you can go across the top of the middle structure for I like the feel of it.


    This is the one allot of people seam to be enjoying.I have sniper tower almost perfect if not perfect, even have little details that you will notice on this one. if you are a super bouncer I even have the mountain crouch spot next to sniper tower which is just another little detail I like. On this map you can still do all the jumps you could do in the original while not doing the others. shooting angles are still there. this one I had to redue many times to make sure the game play stayed the same and I think it turned out really well and so do most of the people that have downloaded it

    Midship v3

    This map thread got closed but you can still download from it. This was my first remake I did and it turned out pretty well it is close to a thousand downloads which is kinda cool for a remake. some things were changed a little bit but all in all it works really well. I am one of the few people that made the side tunnels from the bases to the towers like in the originals. you can still jump into the base from sword but not vice versa.


    This is one of the remakes I was kinda disappointed in and will probably re due even though many people like it. this is a compressed Sanctuary while keeping sanctuary. game play is still there and I enjoy playing on it and to my surprise so do many others

    Original Maps

    This has a story behind it. my friend wanted to make a map with me but he did not know what he wanted to do. So I told him to say a word and we would build a map around that word. He said Dragon and that is how it started. After creating the Dragon we decided it might be fun as a Infection map and it turned out we were right. this one is kind of hard to describe you will just have to check it out

    The King
    The King

    a King of the hill map that actually has a hill and allot of fun. I have one big hill with four sides all blocked from each other with many weapons to choose from. Every time you spawn it will behind a shield door so you can choose your weapon of destruction. We found playing this with 4 teams of 2 is really fun and requires allot of team work. This map is a really simple map that packs in a ton of fun. please play the map before you judge it for you will be surprised how much fun you have on it.

    The Maze
    The Maze

    In my opinion my most fun map

    This is not a maze you have to figure out this is one you fight in. This map starts out with four squares with in a giant square with 2 teleporters in each square in the middle of each edge wall. As you fight the maze will build around you until you are over come in the maze trying to kill your enemy. I went through allot of game types and I found one that was way more fun then all the rest so please do the game type I suggest in the thread. This map is more fun with many people


    This map does not have ramps that throw you in the sky or some other contraption this is just a solid map that bungie could put into match making and it would play really well. 2 main bases with bridges connecting them from the top. 2 side mini bases align the other sides. sword in bottom middle while sniper is on top middle. both main bases have a main stair entrance with 3 shield door entrances on the bottom. see slide show to know what I mean.

    The Octagon
    The Octagon

    I am a huge MMA Fan so I made this map. this map has ever weapon known in the halo forge world at your disposal to use in the octagon. 2 to 16 people pick out their weapon and enter the octagon by gravlift once you are in the octagon take your sides and start the fight. winner is stuck in the octagon with only the weapons from the previous battle at his disposal while losers get to pick all new weapons.
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    This post does not meet Forge Hub's guidelines for posting a map.
    Please read the guidelines and edit your thread accordingly.

    We don't want this turning into forums.

    Thanks, and welcome to FH. :squirrel_grouphug:
  3. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Oh man, please upload pics of your maps so I can see if they are worth downloading. I'm just to darn lazy to take a chance and download them, my guess is that so are most of the users here on FH. Please read this topic and come again.
  4. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    it's not that I'm lazy, its just that I have a filled download queue, and if there are no pics, I will have no idea how good the map is and won't remember it when my download queue is empty again
  5. zzzz Me zzzz

    zzzz Me zzzz Ancient
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    there is a slideshow of pics on all the thread links and I will go back and edit the first post once I figure out what I did wrong
  6. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    What you did wrong was you did not remember to embed pics into the post. For each map you must have severel screenshots embeded. To do this go to bungie screenshots, then save those pictures to your documents and go to and upload your screen shot. After that you are going to scroll down and copy and paste the "direct link to image" URL and put it in this thread. Here is the code, [*img]the URL here[/img*]

    Note: do not put stars in the code I just included them so that it would show up. Also, I hope this helped you out!
  7. zzzz Me zzzz

    zzzz Me zzzz Ancient
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    I have slideshows on the map threads.

    you know what nvm. you guys are even worse then people. I was doing you guys a favor and showing you the maps I worked on so that you could enjoy them. if you guys are too lazy to click on the map thread and watch the slideshow of pics so be it, dont download the map. you guys are under the illusion that you guys are doing me a favor for downloading my maps, I am sorry to be the one to inform you of this but it is the other way around.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, the guidelines say you have to imbed pics. Just follow the format and you'll be sure to get alot more downloads.
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    The issue is, the majority of people on this Forum make their map posts look very nice and presentable, with embedded pics and detailed descriptions.

    We are trying to help YOU, by informing you of the guidelines for posting.

    If you think its better at you are sorely mistaken.

    We may have a slight learning curve here, but the quality of the content makes up for it.
  10. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Hey man. I wasn't trying to be a jerk in the other thread. I was just trying to help you get your maps seen. I saw from your other post that you think you are posting here as a favor to us. Since you are going to do me this favor, please also do me the favor of embedding pics in the thread. You are not doing me any favors by making me jump through hoops to see your map. This is not The members here have different standards. They are used to seeing pics embedded, and if there aren't any, it makes you look lazy and inconsiderate.

    Right now, i have to click the link for your map here, then wait for your Bungie thread to load up, then click the screenshot link there and wait for ImageShack to load up, then wait for the slideshow to scroll through all the pictures. Then i have to repeat the process again for each of your 10 maps. This is hardly convenient. I guarantee that most people will not do this, and will move on to the next thread. Also "Octogon" has no screens link at all. Which is a shame because it sounds fun.

    It's obvious that you spent a lot of time and put a lot of care into your maps. I'm sorry, but i don't believe that you don't want people to download your maps. Everyone who puts as much effort into their maps as you obviously have, and posts them to a forum, wants them to be played. So please don't act like you don't care, just because the people here are holding you to a higher standard and asking you to follow the guidelines you agreed to when you joined this site.

    If you choose to leave because its too much work for you, i can't stop you. Still, don't think you are doing me any favors. There is never a shortage of new, high-quality maps here. I'd rather see your work represented here though, because i think its good. Just stick around, edit the post, and make the haters eat their words when they see your maps. Peace.
  11. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    ^ Dang! Couldn't have said it better myself. I ditto everything UFO just said.
  12. zzzz Me zzzz

    zzzz Me zzzz Ancient
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    ehh I was having a little bit of a bad day so I am sorry about the post. some of the comments just irritated me. I will use a scenereo for. Its like your mommy works hard to make you food then brings it to the table gives you silverware and you get mad and wont eat it because she wont cut it up for you. I understand that it is in the rules and I will remake my threads and do individual map threads and post pics yaddie yadda but to the guy that posted the immature comment about oooh I am just to lazy ect do me a favor and never download my maps.

    to the person that said I care about downloads, I dont actually, I made these maps for my friends and I to enjoy, they said I should but them up on so I did for if more people can enjoy my maps the better but I dont care if it is 1 person or a million, i brought these maps over to this site because I herd from a good friend that is apart of the site that people here are more mature and appreciate forgers more and what is one of the first post I get ooh Im to lazy......

    I will have the new map threads up in the upcoming days maybe later today I am not sure. sorry for being a jerk to some of you that did not deserve it.

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