Not bad for your first post but just a tip for the future: At the bottom of your posts there's this little button that says EDIT, and instead of making 3 consecutive posts (a big no-no in most forums), just hit the edit button on the post you want to edit and/or add more to. And I know this is your first map but I think you could describe it a bit better: is it playable with multiple people? how do you win?
yes it is playable with multiple players-the zombies must get the humans when the humans fall off or through the stepping stones so if u fall u r technically dead have fun.
ya it is samurai kev lol :cqb: it is now TAS MANGREENE k kevlar i was giving them a teaser for u but i credited you for the idea
well every one who dont have the pictures go to and go to people finder and look up SAMURAI IV and look at hi res pics and look at the map pics
Um your pictures aren't working. your map sounds intriguing but I can't make anything out fro your post. =(
Forgehub rules are that there must be at least one embedded pic in your post. That means on your post not 'go on bungie not net and search SAMURAI IV'. BTW I will do that but you still need to sort your post out.