Legend Ok this is my second puzzle map and it is alot better than the first! Ive took notice and made a map with only one turret through wall glitch like you all wished for. Theres 6 rooms which are all different and very fun. Difficulty: Medium. Download Map Here Download Gametype here You need the gametype! Video Tut - Here How do I get out of here? Its high up there My easiest room Im confused Can I make the jump? I win!! Over view
This looks like a nice and fun little puzzle map. You should try to make more rooms but it looks fine for now. And no you need to keep the map on your file share.
Intresting,I mean,I do love a good puzzle map.Can you map a more complex map for advanced solvers?Hey if you want to forge with me my Gamertag is LOTIS POD.So....Add me!
Yeah once i learn more complex puzzles ill add them into a new map. But my friend is good at solving puzzles and it took him a while.
Ok i need someone to recommend this to me on live cause i can't download it. Hopefully I don't have to use forge to solve. This looks harder than mine.
I just finished it. It was really good but the final part was terribly sloppy. Keep forging. I love puzzle maps. 4/5
did you edit this off of unfixedpuzzleJ2? because the "Make the jump" Picture looks exactly like the jump in unfixedpuzzleJ2...
Very easy. The jump wasn't a puzzle it was just a challenge lol. It was very straight forward and I completed it in minutes. The only new trick I saw was blockling a teleporter with a football. It was also very shoddily made and I fonud one place you could get out, but I found it quite fun nonetheless (mainly because I'm normally really bad at puzzle maps and I could do this one!!!).