
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kjjqxyrst, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. Kjjqxyrst

    Kjjqxyrst Ancient
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    This is my first attempt at a smaller map. I spent quite some time on it interlocking everything and making everything as smooth as possible. I haven't put this up for so long because I was trying to test it but could never get enough people to play. Because of this, I'm not sure how the map will play. I appreciate anyones feedback that will help me make the map better. Particularly on the topics of game types and spawn points. Thanks again for checking out my map and please leave feedback. Feel free to private message me or friend request me on live, my gamertag is the same.

    So this map started off with me making an interlocked central square of boxes and I just kept working off from there. It eventually turned into a symmetrical map that I consider easily my best map. It contains a small but unique central structure and two identical structures facing each other on the middle higher part of the map. To the side of these structures are a ramp up to an open platform. Below this open platform is a space you can drop down to get to the floor level. This is where the flag and bomb spawns are located and serve as bases.

    Each base starts closer to one end of a long hallway and is located on the ground level. There is an indented area in the wall which is where the flag and bombs spawn as well as where you start. Moving towards the nearest wall you encounter a side ramp that takes you up to the middle part of the map. If you kept going straight you would have reached the central ramp up to the middle as well as the shotgun spawn which is located below. The central structure contains a grav lift underneath which is key when trying to make a quick exit with the flag/bomb or trying to reach the good sniper spot to control the middle of the map. At the top of this structure an overshield spawns 180s into the game Directly opposite of the shotgun spawn is the beam rifle spawn. This is located right by two aesthetically placed teleporters. In both corners by the beam spawn is an L-shaped catwalk. The two structures on the higher ground contain equipment as well as plasma grenades. The lower part of these structures has a carbine and a plasma pistol.

    Weapon and Equipment
    4 Battle Rifles
    4 Spikers
    2 Carbines
    2 Needlers
    2 Plasma Pistols
    2 Plasma Rifles
    1 Beam Rifle
    1 Shotgun

    4 Frag Grendaes
    4 Plasma Grenades
    1 Power Drain
    1 Regenerator
    1Grav Lift
    1 Overshield

    I have the map set up for Slayer, Oddball, CTF, Territories, and Assault. It is not set up for Team Oddball though. Thanks again for checking out my map and please test it for me and leave me feedback on anything and everything good and bad.


    Corner view

    Flag and Bomb Spawn

    View of One Side

    View of Open Tunnel


    Shotgun Spawn

    Sniper Spawn

    Overview 2

  2. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks cool. A little open. Might play good with MLG settings
  3. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Wow, really nice map. There are many things I like about it. First, amazing interlocking, the central structure is very cool (the walls and single boxes) and I like the interlocked fence walls. The weapons also look good. The post is nicely done and I commend you for that. Good job 5/5.
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    nice post, especially for a newer member, gratz on that
    my only concern about the map is the lack or areas to get on top, i see alot of places where it is a box high (gernade jump) and only a few places with items/ramps to get up there
  5. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    wow! very original structures
    its well built and seems like a lot of fun to play on
    my only suggestion would be to make it seem a bit less open (particularly in that "overview 2" screenshot, its a clear shot from side to side on the upper floor)
  6. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    great job. nice interlocking. looks like fun. might play well with objective gametypes.
  7. monk sausage

    monk sausage Ancient
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    Nice interlocking, well-made, and a cool idea for the middle of the map
  8. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    looks fun the top doesnt have that much cover but its still pretty cool. you might wanna add some cover if you make v2
  9. Kjjqxyrst

    Kjjqxyrst Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys, and yea from what I've played on the map which isn't much the top is a bit open but not too much. I wanted it to play a bit like midship with a lot of action happening around the edges. Let me know how it plays with a larger group though and maybe I'll make some changes.
  10. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Well done with the interlocking. I prefer clean looking maps. I'll DL.
  11. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Excellent map design I like the idea and it looks like it might play well as an objective map. Good job
  12. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Thats really good

    I love the middle structure its very original and i think that this map is great overall, but im not so sure if this would work well in FFA though its has awsome interlocking. great job 5/5 from me.
  13. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    yeah its pretty but i agree that it needs more cover. 8/10
  14. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    this map looks really solid and youve interlocked everything nicely, and so that you could get maximum space, very nice job. good solid map, i will download it.

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