SWAN HUNT Created by Bigjon94 Supported Gametypes: Infection Map Description This map was designed with duck hunt in mind. I wanted to make a fun and exciting duck hunt map while utilizing all forging tools like interlocking and advanced floating. The map starts with all the "swans" (humans) in an open double box. The are 2 bubble shields for their use. There are a series of blockades for the swans to hide behind including a floating fence wall, a crate, wire spools, a shield door and a floating wall. Moving on there is a floating ramp. once climbed it takes the swans to the next level. on this floor there is a shield door, a floating "A" sign, a wire spool and 3 barriers. At the end of the bridge, there is a gravity life witch takes the swans the the "lake swim". The lake swim is a series of floating shield doors. There are floating doors which let the swans "swim" across the the "beach" (floating double wall). While the lake is not protected, the beach is. There is a bubble shield at the end of the beach. After completing the lake, the swans go down a ramp which takes them to the elevator. There is a gravity lift which the swans throw into a crate. they jump on the crate which elevates them to the top of the hunters house. There is a plasma grenade waiting for them to throw at the fusion coils inside the house (dumb hunters, keeping fusion coils in there house), which evidently blows up the hunter. Although the Hunter can go into the safe-house bunker. Is he goes into the lower level, the swans have to fly (jump) onto the top of the house and pick up the custom power-up. the power-up gives them an instant kill and allows them to pick up the pistol. Now all they need to do it fly down and shoot the hunter, killing him once and for all. But remember, the hunter is equipped with a sniper to shoot those pesky swans. Swans start off with energy swords. _________________________________________________ Hunters house full view. Swan start point. RUN FOR COVER!!! Hunters Safe-House Bunker Up the GravLift... Cross the Lake. Down the Ramp. Up the Elevator _________________________________________________ Thank you to ForgeHub for the amazing tutorials and have fun playing Swan Hunt Download SWAN HUNT Download SWAN HUNT GAME
This concept is was too old to still keep doing. It doesn't even look like you know any proper forge techniques. 1/5
i agree about the concept, but cut him some slack. he is new and will learn how to forge. this is one of his first attemps to use some of the techniuces. but he is right. the idea is very unoriganl. it has been done multiple times...
i do like however, how you extended it, and unlink duck hunt, the ducks actuelly have to do something to try and win, not just fly across teh screen and try to snipe someone far away in a mere second or two lol
It looks like a map that has great potential. Yet it needs interlocking and neater forging. I would like to see a V2. 2/5
nah don't worry about him. its good. 6/10. nicely forged. and i can see the techniques... however yeah this has been done many times before.
This sounds fun but the map looks like random stuff piled on top of each other. Maybe after some tutorials you can make a V2 that has that good map smell! Map: 2/5 (Has potential though)
What's with the weird placement at the "lake"? Well, you could've Interlocked, and smoothing some Objects out, the layout isn't too good but you've tried. 2/5.