I could have sworn i posted since my offer to test.... Anyway,map looks amazing so far and after all this you'd better not give up on it ...also it would suck hedehogs if this broke due to limits (item limit,budget limit,total item limit )
well for asymmetric games you should put keep all the weapons on but for games like FFA, KOTH, Or team slayer you shou;d maybe take out the 2 machine gun turrets and maybe the laser and/or sniper rifle IMO
I am sorry I have been inactive on this post for a while...it's just vacations and I am also now in the progress of a week long programming class at a nearby college. So, these and other things are holding me back from working on my forge creations....now has you said I have hit limits on it....but that is because I added a bigger section onto the map (to try to balance out game play a bit more). I am defiantly going to start working on this again due to popularity, but first I want to finish a smaller scale map that doesn't aim quite as high as this one. This new map though (not Irish Highlands) is still in testing and I am having lots of trouble with spawns and such...if anyone would care to help with any of these projects that would be great! Also thank-you to everyone else who posted and has contributed to my map. Thanks, Firetag.
Wait is the small map that one map I was with you while you were making it. The one I found 50 ways out of?
Ill help test your smaller map.Send Supa Midget000 a friend request,ive been doing F all on FH other than posting for awhile so its time i actually helped
hey man im new 2 forgehub but not 2 forgin. i can interlock, geo merge, make switches... so ya look up my user name, X2SheaX, if u need any help
This looks like it has real potential and shows alot of ambitious design as well. I would recommend you be wary of small walkspaces though, the tunnels look very cool but the curved nature of your structuring looks at risk of creating some areas that are a little cramped at the edges. If you define the edges of the tunnels more to eliminate those narrow/short peripheral bits then it would increase playability and flow of movement alot more. But don't over simplify it, I think the slightly warped look is part of this maps charm right now. If you have the time then drop me a PM when this map is done, I'd be interested to see where you go with it and how it turns out, but I'll keep an eye out for it anyway.
wow i really like it however i think the sky tunnel should hae a little more cover, if its going to be a main control point for teams, you dont want them to be completely vital towards enemy's. cant wait to see this finished.
this is a well cool map very nice cant wait til it is done and also shame on the people that stole the map
*Steals map idea...I mean who does that right?* JK!(I don't steal map ideas btw I was just kidding...) I love how it looks so far and all that interlocking so far must take awhile right? Anyways if you need help testing the map I'll help. GT: Fluffy Pie (<- Yes...My GT is there... Just highlight it....)
This will probably be a good map to play on! And the name is good to (Since that Im Irish too!) And i will D/L for sure when it is finished. Keep up ur good work!