looks like something i would do but idk if i'd put it on youtube entertaining though:] p.s. i love those balls! (thats what she said)
Thats what you said! Ha, Eh, I embarress myself so much that I no longer care what people think of me. I am who I am. Gad you found it entertaining though.
what were the lyrics? i suck on balls, dun dun, dun dun balls in my face. dun dun, dun dun lol jk, your pretty weird tho
hahahaha your so funny! but really, I am pretty wierd, but thats who I am and my friends don't care cuz we have good times...i miss them btw, three weeks away from home.
OH MY GOSH! wow, that litterally scared me to the point i was hiding under my desk, listining to that lyrics, haunting me TO NO END!!!! ya, your wierd. and funny. so i guess that guy on your sig isnt you, is it. well, i guess it could be, the video only showed your shoulders up. oh well. funny video.
sorry it scared you.lol. I was very bored. I have more youtube videos that I made, they are all crazy. But oh well. It is fun to make them and funny to watch them. I am messing around with editing them but I only have Windows Movie maker. its really lame. Oh well. Glad you liked it and the guy in the sig is me.....jk.
ok, now ^thats^ even scarier. but coming back to it, a boy expressing his deep compassionate love for a pink ball does seem poetic. it should become a movie! they will laugh, they will cry! ok maybe a movie is out of the question. but id buy tickets. ps, i challenge who ever is in your sig to an arm wresteling competition!