spartan laser challenge download map download game i have a challenge for all of you go here for more info this map is basicaly a cross bettween duckhunt and target practice. warning it can get a little insane past 12 people. basically the guy with the spartan laser is the last man standing and he has to shoot the zombies going back and forth. 180 seconds into the game the zombies get acess to the coustom power up and they become invicible and have instant kill so they can kill the last man standing. IMPORTANT INFORMATION!! must change the initial zombie count to the 1 less the amount of people in the party!!!! and just dont cheat if u get the chance to. pics! last man perch zombie spawn 1st mancannon 2nd mancannon wtf is this?
it is nice to see map on this map i never see them on this any more yeah bring back the origanls, i like the map it is like duck hunt but you have more freddome when human on this one i think
i frikin love spartian lasers. zombies and lasers is what i eat for breakfast. i am deffently gonna try this one out.
i think it would be easier with a br, they could hit him once or twice and the SL would unzoom, making it harder to hit the guys flying across