Xtreme Arena An extreme battle. 4-8 players. Created by Battleman36. Supports Team Slayer and Slayer. Download here---> Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download gametype here---> Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here is some pics: Spawn point: The Arena: Hope you like it! I forgot to mention the fusion coils explode and i didnt interlock because the openings have weapons in them.
looks like a quickly built map, nothing very special and i think your fusion coils will make this very very laggy if alot of people were to join
I recommend you take more Screenshots, I can't see much of the map! And you should have a decent description too, I'm trying ot be mean, just helping you.
Dude it's just a square with fusion coils inside of it? Try interlocking, taking a few of the coils out, adding cover inside the arena, making it look neater, and generally making it a better map. Then we'll talk.
it looks like it needs A LOT of interlocking, it looks very sloppy. Also the coils may lag it up. Theres better maps for this type of game then this (constructive cirticism)
this must of took 20 min to build, I think you should work on the map better and then when you actually post it please include more screenshots. Screenshots give your audience a better reason to download your map so please follow my advice.
It looks like you sloppily made a square, chucked some weapons and fusion coils in there and called it a map. No offense but...
There is much better Arena maps than this. Try Interlocking the arena, add cover and make the size bigger, then this will be ok.
Yeah I'm pretty much going to say what everyone else has: I can't see enough of the map. But it appears to have no interlocking or anything and seems like you didn't spend enough time on it. Also not very original, arenas have been done 100 times before, and you didn't switch anythign up
I know this is going to sound repetitive, but I'm saying it anyway. It looks very quickly built. Just try putting some more time/effort into it and I'm sure you can do something good!
congrats you have just succsesfully forged a square room full of power weapons and fusion coils. cmon man you can do way better than this
this is very sloppy i would add a roof and also try merging to make it more fun well it wont be but it would look better i am giving it a 3/5
needs work I'm with everyone else you should add some interlocking and a way to get in besides the teleporter because people will camp it, take out the fusion coils entirly and they will create alot of lag and will just make everyone die quickly, throw in some cover like maybe use a wall corner at the sides and teleporters on top. merge the arena, and get rid of all the power weps and maybe add a rocket launcher with no clips and long respawn and a sword and shotgun to counter it then add in some duels near cover and some Br' on the sides and a few in the middle because thats one wep that everyone looks for. add in one or two Ar's for ammo for those that prefer the Ar.
it looks like it was made a bit too fast, i understand your concept of the word extreme, with the fusion coils, but the walls are poorly built, deffenetly needed a bit more time 3/5
I hate it when people critisize me on my maps! i got halo just a little bit ago and that is only my 3rd map. i have just started doing all the advanced forge techs. i just have to eventually learn to do them when its needed.