Yah, how did he "fall" off the edge? I think this may be a case of grunt homicide! What!? He's flying!? OMG! Its the Lone Grunty!
Actually a grenade propelled him ridiculously high into the air at the beginning of 'The Covenant' so I had to go snap a pic, it's all about my "Lone Grunty Super Hero Series"
About that Series, after you're done. Put a Hyperlink in your signature. And then we can all see how much you love grunts rescuing other.....people?
Hey Ty, I'm willing to help you turn the Lone Grunty picture series into a picture book for children. I'm also willing to take 75% of the money made off of the book.
Another good pic from Ty .. I love most screenshots of grunts and a flying grunt is even better Good job