Halo 3: 1 xp per rank, unpredictable skill level system Battlefield: Bad Company: (CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG) +10 points per kill +3 per assist +5 per squad assist +5 for saviour (kill an enemy right before he mightve killed ur squadmate) +5 for avenger (kill an enemy right after he killed a squadmate) +10 per vehicle kill (blowing up the vehicle, not using it) +3 per vehicle kill assist +5 per squad vehicle kill assisist +X per knife kill (x being their rank level) as well as the kill points +30 for objective destruction +10 for objective damage -10 per suicide -10 per team kill ALSO: in halo you lose xp for quitting and you cant join midgame, games last about 15 minutes in bf:bc you join and quit anytime, games last as long as you want (just keep playing and it will keep loading a new level)
BF/CoD 4 are easier to level up in, all you have to do is kill people. In Halo you have to work as a team, and kill people. That's why it's harder to level up. It would be better if it was a combination of the two though.
I dont have BF:BC but i have call of duty 4 and even know halo 3 is my favourite game are the moment .. Call of duty 4's rank system is so much better! I mean i hate the high skill thing in halo 3! I can't get it up to 45 .. (yes i am a n00b :]) So that really bugs me and i have like 1300 exp ..
yeah both ranking systems are too different to compare. BF and Cod4 have a ranking system where if you lose but get kills you can still rank up. But in halo if you lose you will de-rank. Thus making halo more of a skilled game in its ranking system.
Sometimes but rarely. When someone boosts in Bad Company if you get over a certain number of points without getting that many kills i heard that your rank gets reset. i perfer CoD4 and Bad Company ranking system then halo 3 because its easier to rank up. and its also easier to kill someone then in halo 3. so i think that Battlefield has a better ranking up system.