We should get more custom content than 100 items. These contents count for your Maps, Gametypes, And Videos in Theater (The ones you saved). If you only want 100 maps then if you think about it you can only save 6 maps per different level. Thats not much. Bungie should give us atleast 200-250 custom content or take it off or something.
I agree, It's only your own HDrive space so I can't really see any point in the limit. However there is probably some technical reasons. EDIT: Just think about when your sitting waiting for you custom games to load, now imagine that X2.5
Old argument is old. However, I still agree that we shouldn't be limited to 100 items, especially since all custom content counts towards the limit, not just maps of game modes.
The content limit is not Bungie's fault, as a matter of fact it has nothing to do with them. The problem lies with Microsoft and how they designed the Hard Drive for the 360. Microsoft never expected a person to have over 100 hundred items of unique content for one game, so they limited each games unique content number to 100. Every game is only allowed 100 folders of information....so if you're playing Madden, you can only have 100 pieces of unique data stored for that game. The same applies with Halo unfortunately....which is why we are restricted to such a low custom content number. It isn't a matter of giving us more custom content, there is nothing Bungie can do. Microsoft would have to reformat every hard drive on every 360 to fix a small problem we have with one game. Not to mention that reformatting a hard drive would make you loose all of your saved information stored on it....
I was gonna post that too. Everyone loves to blame Bungie for everything. My teammate quit out, blame Bungie! New maps cost money, blame Bungie! Wah, it's raining outside. BLAME BUNGIE! This one is all Microsoft. I might write a letter to Microsoft and say, "I only play Halo, so take all those other folders you're saving for all the other crappy games out there and let Halo 3 use them to save my epic cross-map sticks!"
DTL, if that is the case then what to screenshots count as? For me I just create an account made specifically for custom content, then get it off of the account if I want it. Also, I think with Bungie Pro you should get a higher custom content limit.
Yeah ! I keep running close to limit so i have to delete some vids which i like but i have to to make new makes which gets on my nerves ..
If no one understands that he means that you cant change what is on the halo 3 disc. That is why they couldnt fix super jumps in halo 2 because the glitches were on the disc.
exactly, the new maps and the additional objects in forge are downloadable content. So if what people are suggesting becomes a reality it would mean to create an entirely new forge.
not even that, bungie would have to re-release halo all together. But they can alter and fix downloadable content. Which is a good thing. Ths means they can make foundry with more items.
Please read the above. Oh and here is a quote directly from the Bungie folks in their latest weekly update: