A man "allegedly" killed himself over FF coming to 360... all i can say is what an idiot, and YAY for FF Guy wrote a suicide note cause FFXIII-XBOX - Final Fantasy XIII Forums
Seems to much like a troll. He talks intelligently with big words etc... I think it's fake personally.
thats why i stated "allegedly". Still, its pretty funny watching all the ps3 fanboys drown in their own tears.
I have Aspergers syndrome and personally all I have to say is 'this guys a retard' he never mentioned suicide in his note all he did was not log in to gamefaqs ever again now you can take this however you want to but im pretty sure he is still alive unless he had more than just Aspergers syndrome..... EDIT: I rock back and fourth while standing up or sitting IRL without a rocking chair. people make fun of me its annoying.
*allegedly So you're a HR Autistic? For some reason I think people like to say they have these kinds of disorders just to get people to seem interested in them... Something like attention seeking.
thats pretty disturbing, no one "commit suicide" when gts 4 game to xbox and i don't think anyone would if halo went on the ps3, the fact is he can still get the game, but watever has happened to him as a kid has traumatised him, because hes abit... how do i say it, nuts! or retarded
I agree with most on here. Just because FF will be on the 360 doesn't mean the Square Enix is stupid. Damned PS fanboys... I also agree with others that most of them sucked hardcore. This is why you should love the games and not the consoles.
Even if he didn't suicide, I would've killed the bloke myself for being such a stupid damn wanking douche. FFXIII's still on the PS3, you know! I didn't write that
omg just because FF is comin to xbox? 1. yea, go cry nerd. 2. It's just a game, let it be played on other systems. It's not your gf. 3. wow. just wow.
Meh. FF isn't THAT good of a game imo. The whole "i attack you, then i wait for you to attack me" thing is really stupid and slow.
I'm starting to get a little irritated by all this nonsense. It's not the end of the world, it's not the first game to go multi-platform later in its development, and the series isn't exactly at its apex. Playstation has been on the offending side of this type of issue for years (who remembers the Capcom 5? The five games that were "exclusive" for the GameCube? RE4, Viewtiful Joe, etc.?), so seeing the shoe on the other foot is just a bit of irony, not a death letter. Jesus.
So he bought loads and loads of games consoles just to get FF, and now it's going to the Xbox 360, he's not gonna buy that? He confuses me the strange little person.
I agree with DRiSCOLL .. He has just say exactly what i was going to say But i think someone would commit suicide if halo 4 was on PS3 only .. Because there are some Halo fans out there who does nothing but halo day in day out .. However they could just get a ps3 ..