OMG. My friend Scorpulus (of course) accidentally set up the greatest betrayal I've seen in a long time. Check it out! ^^
Man that was epic :'D what are the chances huh? Are You and Scorpulus brothers or something? o.0 For ****s sake, NO! lol. Its a really awesome clip and everything, but Bungie is not going to give anyone recon for stuff like that anymore.
i've seen this happen a few times, if you search on youtube you can find anythigng these days, nice work with the video
i love these bad luck videos. my friend sent me 1 where him and some 1 else threw gernades at the same time and they stuck together and killed the other guy.
I wonder if the Red Vs Bluee guys saw this and they got inspired for Episode 8 when Red Team comes in on the Warthog. Lolz. Awesome though!