In case any of you missed it, read this. Original Announcement Thread I for one accept his regards and feel all of you should too. FH is meant to be a home for mature Forgers so let's uphold that name.
Wait what? We had a problem with halo tracks, and further more what's halo tracks? You guys need to keep me in the loop.
well thats nice. im glad they grew up a bit to see that was immature. well at least some1 is doing something to tell them its wrong +brute burnout i honestly think deserves the win. i except it b/c we need our forging toall be put to together for the community not to win over all and everything. its great they want pease. altho this will be hard to forget.
I was wondering how Wall Rider passed up Brute Burnout in the Poll. anyway, good to see that theres a mature person running things over there...
lol, Thanks. I try to keep myself mature, sorry again for all of your troubles. I hope you can forgive us, even if it is hard.
I accept said apology. Though, I can't wait to see the real results once the ip addresses are checked... I just did a quick scan through the random voters that I have never heard of for wallrider, and it appears as though a lot of new accounts were created. Whatever. Thanks HaloTracks, and I hope that this feud is over. EDIT: Keyword in there, was it appears as though blablabla
Yay I made your rep go from red to green, but it is for the better. You are a good guy for owning up to this whole thing and getting rid of it. You are forgiven.
what about for the fact that some people prolly have friends that live in the same house.. like my friend andrew (diminished814) made his account here.. does that mean his vote for brute burnout doest count?
I don't have the answer to that, as I do know it can be a rather difficult process checking IP addresses. I will leave the answer to TDF.
alrighty. i guess its not a prob b/c alot of theres are posibly fake or something. and its just 1 vote..
Well it appears our site admin c u l8er deleted the topic with no explanation and I can't get in contact with him... I am going to re-post it but this is very strange,
This is good news. I saw that there was a problem, but i really didn't think it was such a huge a problem as described. All I am glad about is that there are still mature people here and mature people on halo tracks too.
i accept the apology... even through i never really seen a problem (i think) but then again i did see a whole bunch of people voting for some of halo tracks race maps and seeing some of them say how they hated bungie 500 and it winning last time we voted for it. consider it apology accepted.
Hm. I know it's not your fault, killer. I'm just worried about the rivalry that your community seems to have with us. But yes, don't sweat it, it's not like you organized this whole thing, right?
Good to see HaloTracks won't be going down in flam(ing noobs) and there are mature guys running that.
Me neither. But nonetheless, glad to see you guys take the big step and offer an apology. Goes a long way with those that got the bad end of the feud.
HaloTracks is a group of Forgers/Racers who make High Quality Race tracks and then race them, the map "WallRider" that was in the BoF competition was made by one of the members from HaloTracks so theyve been voting for their map to win Best race Track. As Squidhands said an apology goes a long way here, I accept your apology.
I am glad to see that apology. Even more glad to now know that the leader of Halo Tracks is a stern and mature leader. Hopefully everyone involved will be able to move on from this and not create any more problems in the future. Oh, and you got Respected rank now? Good for you. +repzorz :squirrel_grouphug: