I have fixed the post for Black Out and pictures are now viewable. Black Out 2-12 players Link To Bungie Forum Post ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gametypes Supported: slayer,CTF, team slayer, King Of The Hill Black out is a foundry map that contains 4 bases, a sniper cage, and a stairwell structure in the middle of the map. Stairwell in the middle of map with rocket launcher at the top and sword at bottom. Another pic of stairwell from different angle. Base one Inside of base one Base two Inside of base two Base three has a sniper rifle and shotgun inside of open container Base four has turret on top of base, multiple weapons, and a walkway to connect the two doors Sniper cage=Home to sniper rifle, shotgun, overshield, and multiple grenades This map overall plays very well. I have enjoyed creating, and playing this map. I hope you enjoy as much as i have. Please leave feed back on this map and any tips thank you. FORGE ON!!! EDIT by Furious: Edited thread title. Map name only please.
Re: Black Out Map Post Fixed Uh, you need to copy and paste this and edit the old thread. Or ask to have the old one closed. Basically you created 2 threads for the same thing when you could just edit the old one. So now you've fixed the original post, but have broken more rules, and it's actually starting to piss people off. Well me at least. Try to read the rules, people will appreciate it.
that looks pretty cool, interesting use of the space, I'd personally appreciate it if there was a longer description of the map.
this is an intriguing design. you really made it hard to get to some stuff though notable the overshields. Since this is a competitive map, i think everything should be equally open to everybody.
Re: Black Out description update Black Out contains four bases=two bases on the back side with one door way on each base and shield doors that surround the top of each base=two bases on the front have two entrances one on the front and one on the back side.Both front bases have a walkway that runs inside of it. In the middle of the base is a structure with a stairwell that runs to the top of it and connects with a walkway on top of the main bases. Their is als a snipers cage that hangs in mid air on the wall that is accessible only by grav lift or a precision jump for the back base. Map plays slayer, team slayer, and big team battle better than any other game variant.
can i have someone close out the old black out post that is locked and also so i am not breaking rules. Sorry guys the double post was an accident. please dont close out the post that is nt locked.
awesome, that's a lot better than before, you might want to make some simple fixes to the format of that paragraph and edit it into your original post
Thanks for the feedback guys and also please download my map and let me know what you think of it. Also once again sorry for the double post.
Please people download my map and give feedback and any tips that you may have.Please,please,please!!!!! Edit by Furious: That's two double posts in this thread. Don't ever double post. This is your only warning.
Other interesting things about this map On sign B on top of base 1 sets plasma grenades and over by the wall a land mine Inside of base 1is a grav lift, BR, and shotgun Inside of Base 2 is a BR, mauler, needler, brutshot, smg, and gravlift In between Base 1 and Base 2 is a dumpster on wall with a shotgun also and grenades Inside of Sniper Cage is a sniper rifle, oversheild, one of each grenade and a shotgun Inside of Base 3 is a covenant sniper, mauler,and a bruteshot Inside of Base 4 is a BR on the walkway, a bruteshot in the corner by wall with grenades Theres a teleporter in the corner on the other side Teleporter takes you to the top of the barricade wall where there is an invisi sheild and a flame thrower Also you can drop down to turret on Base 4 from the top of the wall
Nothing in particular stands out at me but looks good in general. Good efforts on the brightside though.
Overall, the object placement isn't perfect and the map seems separated into parts. I do like the stairway, but the placement of the stairs doesn't look aligned in the picture.
Download the map play it and you like it a lot better than just judging it by the pictures. The pics are there only to give you a fell of what the map looks like. Not to give you the fell of how the map plays. Because honestely you can't judge a book by it's cover.
I forgot to mention, don't double post, triple post, or even QUADRUPLE POST. You'll get yourself into big trouble. Also this map title has already been used, just so you know.