Looks great! I was wondering when this was comming out. I will download it and give it a more detailed reveiw later on today. But so far it looks like alot of fun. Nice work So far.
omg haxors did bungie help you make this map?? lol joking I was waiting for this one....now I'm genna go play it like ten billion times with my friends ...I'll give ya review later today!
hey, i love the new design, your first one really got me into forging so i cant wait to get off work and download it! ill tell you how it goes.
Although as I could not really see much from the pictures, I really liked this map, the geo-merging and interlocking looking really nice, and as it might have not been the brightest new idea, you implemented your forging skill thoughtfully into this map to make it one of the best of its kind... For this I rate it 5/5
wow, this is amazing! this looks like it could be awesome for any gametype, especially infection. the interlocking is amazing! keep forging
Vietnam Tunnels was a stolen version of Salty's old map Tunnel Rats 2... The new map looks great! I love that you incorporated more of Foundry this time around, it will make games on the map much more fun. I just hope that you've documented the making of this map. Prepare to have it stolen by idiots.
Were you the original creator of the maps? because the layut looks a little different but nothing that really stands out. 5/5 because it was already awesome.
wow this tunnel rats looks sick! good job. also i like the way you made the tower that looks like a good idea
Another great map Salty, this is incredible. The first two maps were incredible, and now I can't wait to see this one. You have my download, and my five star rating.
The Tunnel Raid series has been a succesful one so a download from me. Still love the helicopter and layout. Evan though it is very different than v2 it looks just as good if not better! Great work!
i had no idea what i was going to see when this finally came out. looks pretty decent from what i can see and i love the helicopter and the sniper tower. i'll have to DL to take a closer look at it.
Hey i love all your tunnel rat maps 5/5 they are very unique, smart, and creative. Keep Forging and map another one.
It was good to get a sneak preview at this before it came out, the aesthetics are good and I bet its a blast on infection. This is one of those maps that everyone will play at some time or another and hopefully it won't get stolen so much! I've downloaded this to play in my TGIF party, is there any specific gametypes or settings which play best?
the only thing i dont like is the dumpster that kills you cuz i always walk into the damn thing other than that nice job
i found another tunnel rats 3 at bungie and i DL it hopeing to be pleased but it was you stuck in a box with the words dumb ass on the floor. this better not be that.
Absolutely amazing. Glad you finally released it. The map looks gorgeous and hopefully will play amazingly too. Now about Tunnel Rats 4.....