MLG Foundry Standards

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Billy Reloaded, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    MLG Foundry Map Standards

    I was bored so I thought I would throw together a guide of all the usable items [and ways to use them] on foundry.


    Usually symmetrical from what we have seen so far, may change considering all the asymmetrical maps included in the MLG play list e.g. Guardian, Lockout, etc.


    Double Box:
    Yes, without a question, a major staple of the MLG Maps today.

    Double Box {Open}:
    No, not from what we have seen so far, possibly as a normal double box replacement like in a floor or something where the open sides will not be seen.

    Single Box:
    Yes, just like a double box, but halved.

    Single Box {Open}:
    Yes, this is for sure, seen on Onslaught.


    Yes, to be used right-side up or upside down is fine.

    Yes,apply to map in any manner.

    Wall {Double}:
    Yes, same as above.

    Wall {Corner}:
    Yes, seen in many ways, even on it's side forming a pyramid type structure on the ground [refer to Amplified]

    Fence Wall:
    Yes, BUT only as a barrier to the bases of default Foundry. Not for use in the playing area of the map.

    Fence Box:
    Yes, BUT same as above.

    A & B Signs:
    Yes, used for direction and call-outs not for map geometry.

    Window Panel:
    Yes, only seen with bottom part being used for cover or tactical jumps, not in standing position or with open part seen.

    Yes, mainly used for tactical jumps or cover.

    Barrier {Short}:
    Yes, usually placed vertically with weapon holder to hold it in place for cover.

    Barrier {Tall}:
    Yes, seen as a center piece on Onslaught with a Mauler on top.

    Weapon Holder:
    Yes, used exclusively to hold down movable objects.

    Yes, definitely seen a lot.

    Shield Door {Small, Large}:
    No, the reason why Snowbound is not an MLG map.

    Theoretically No, we do not see the teleporters even as holders in any official MLG maps, but they are seen as holders in popular non-official MLG maps such as Hype.

    Theoretically Yes, They have not come up in any official Foundry MLG maps but we have seen them on maps like MLG Pit and on popular non-official MLG maps such as Hype.

    Man Cannons:

    Grav Lift:

    Other Obvious No's:
    Soccer Ball, Pallet, Street Cone, Truck, Forklift, Roadblock, etc.


    Battle Rifle:
    Yes, the infamous starting weapon MLG is a no brainer.

    Covenant Carbine:
    Yes, the Covenant brother of the Battle Rifle is also allowed.

    Yes, found in the center of practically all the MLG maps.

    Sniper Rifle:
    No, while used consistently on other MLG maps, (I think) Mlg considers Foundry to be too small for this weapon to be used.

    Rocket Launcher:
    No, while used consistently on other MLG maps, (I think) Mlg considers Foundry to be too small for this weapon to be used.

    All Other Weapons:


    Frag Grenade:

    Plasma Grenades:
    Yes, the only other grenade type allowed apart from the standard Frag Grenade.

    Active Camo:
    Yes, BUT only when interlocked and unattainable, to be used for directions or call-outs.

    Yes, BUT only when interlocked and unattainable, to be used for directions or call-outs.

    Custom Power Up:
    Yes, BUT only when interlocked and unattainable, to be used for directions or call-outs.

    Everything Else:
    No, while the new equipment system and grenades[spike and fire] are innovative, MLG wished to pertain the classic MLG feel of Halo 2 and not include these items.


    No, MLG does not use vehicles in it's games at all. Even though, as you may know if you've delved into the MLG gametypes, It says that the vehicle set is {Map Default}.


    Team Slayer:
    Yes, Team Slayer is the epitome of what MLG is, was and will be. You should definitely setup your map for Team Slayer

    Capture The Flag{Symmetrical}:
    Yes, Capture The Flag is probably the second most popular gametype next to Team Slayer. Your map should only include this if the style of play on the map is right for CTF. Likewise for Team Slayer, good examples are Onslaught and Amplified, a game of CTF on Amplified would be atrocious and I couldn't imagine TS on Onslaught.

    King of the Hill:
    Yes, I will say yes for now considering that MLG used Amplified King for a short period of time but now it's gone, so by MLG using this gametype on Foundry is iffy if anything.

    Yes, if you are using an asymmetrical map I would say yes.
    No, if you're building a symmetrical map.
    My reasoning on this gametype is that Oddball is meant to have teams getting setup and holding the enemy off, this does not happen on symmetrical maps (most of the time). For this reason MLG uses maps like Guardian and Lockout for Oddball.

    Everything Else:
    No, no Juggernaut, no Assault, no Infection, and absolutely no asymmetrical gametypes eg. 1 Flag, 1 Bomb, etc.

    So there you have a not so basic throw down of MLG Foundry maps. If I forgot anything please make sure to correct me (politely, it's late). Hope this helps any aspiring MLG map creators out there.

    ~Billy Reloaded
    #1 Billy Reloaded, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
    Ryan. K. and Mr Pokephile like this.
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    This is certainly accurate.
    I agree that most scenery objects are useless, and why MLG doesn't have traffic cones, is understandable. (randome splatter with cone, MLG would not like that at all)

    I also like how easy this is to read.
    You should keep making tutorials.
  3. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    Good job, I am a true MLG player/supporter. I am sick of people putting swords, ect. in there MLG maps. Thanks. Should be stickied.
  4. Kill3rKlown

    Kill3rKlown Ancient
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    Wow, this really is easy for new people to use. Nice tutorial =]
  5. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    There where a few wrong things in there. They do use teleporters, man cannons and grav lifts. You may not have seen them in foundry maps but they do use them. Man cannons can be used but must work to the map very well.
  6. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Well yes, but considering this is a guide to Foundry MLG maps, I find the curent set-up sufficient.

    PS. Will be updating tomorrow with some things I forgot.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Its a very basic guide, no offense.
    It doesnt really delve into MLG map making. Just rougly saying what to use as scenery.
    Also, power ups can be used for more than just callouts.
    Although MLG havent used them in either of their 2 Official Foundry maps, there's nothing restricting them to be used as what they were originally made for.
    Teles, man cannon?
    Its a nice guide but its quite vague.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  8. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    they still use them. You also missed a few other things, they use custom power ups for overshields and active camos.
  9. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Props man. I hope this puts a end to all thoughs "MLG AWSOMESAUSE " Maps. Im sick of them flooding competitive. And most of them have weapons not even close to MLG standerds.
    #9 Mr Pokephile, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
    Linubidix likes this.
  10. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    I have updated with a couple more things on Vehicles and Gametypes for MLG Foundry Maps.
  11. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    thankyou so much i have made an mlg map before and people said that its not up to standards so now i am going to make one right now and its going to be up to standards
    oh and the plasma pistol is allowed in mlg
  12. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Ok, well i love how your really trying to help the community so when they try to make MLG maps, they are making them up to MLG standards. but i would like to point a few things out that aren't necessarily true, or i disagree with

    I disagree here. double open boxes can be used as cover or a passageway. i've seen this in multiple MLG maps on the MLG forums AND you can tell those maps are MLG quality. but people really only like them when they are interlocked into a double box or slightly merged into the ground.

    Again, I will have to disagree. Fence walls should be able to be used as walkways, although we haven't seen this on Onslaught or Amp. there doesn't seem to be a reason why you cant use fence walls as walkways.

    Again, I disagree. I have seen A and B signs used specifically for cover. although it can be taken as direction.

    AGAIN, i've seen standing window panels done on an MLG map that is MLG quality on the MLG forums. it really only works if you pull it off well though.

    somewhat agree, somewhat disagree. I do think teleporters should be able to be used to hold objects down/in place. However, i dont like the idea of having teleporters just there. But then again, think about the lifts on construct. i would consider those as man cannons or teleporters because it's a fast route, you can move while using them, you cant fight anyone in them.

    Same thing I said about Construct. The lifts.

    I actually really disagreed with this. i understand the soccer ball and cone... but why should you not be able to use pallets for aesthetics? or trucks and forklifts as cover? please explain this further...

    I HAVE seen sniper rifles in foundry MLG maps, but no official foundry MLG maps have used the sniper rifle yet. so nobody really knows what MLG thinks of this or not.

    Same thing I said about the Sniper Rifle.

    Yes, it is popular for these to be used as direction. but if my knowledge serves me right... overshields and custom power-ups are used in MLG maps. take a look at the MLG gametypes, i believe they have certain settings for the custom power up. i may be wrong here though.
  13. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Thank you very much!
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You really should update the original post, Billy. There are quite a few excellent MLG maps (even though their not on the circuit) that nullify a lot of your statements as others have posted.
  15. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    the mauler in amplified got replaced with a custom powerup.
  16. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    i will continue to disobey your rules, cuz ur not the boss of any1 HA!
  17. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    I will review my guide in it's entirety and tweak it too fit the MLG style.
  18. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Great guide, but double box open is a piece of scenery that is used in MLG Onslaught. It is geomerged slightly into the ground so there is no bump.
  19. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    Billy u are a liar!
  20. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
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    I agree with everything Evan said. But Teleporters were once used in one of the first official MLG maps. Some of you may remmember the warlock styled MLG map MLG Stockpile. And Grav Lifts and Mancannons can be turned into good lifts that work like the ones you see on other maps.

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