
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by iversonrocks03, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    looks good. i should DL more competitive maps but i never get a chance to play them but this one is good.
  2. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    dris, thanks for your compliments, they all mean a lot even if its critisism

    murdock, send me a friend request if you want and we can play some custom games on competitive maps, dont let that keep you from downloading maps

  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, I got to play this map today, and it was pretty enjoyable. The Rocket location was a great addition, since you either had to drop into it, or crouch to get in, however, you had to crouch to get out, making you and easy target, making the rocket very hard to acquire, resulting in great teamwork.

    The "back alley" is a bit of a pain to get over the obstacle, at first. Once you get used to it, it's not as bad, but it somewhat seems, uneeded, at least that tall.
    And the warthog idea is very original in intriguing, but it didn't seem to help to much.

    Overall, nice map. 4/5
  4. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    you are right about the obstacle, but the only reason the jump is tricky, is because the wall corner is merged into
    the ground, making it shorter.

    I also appreiciate an actual response with compliments and critism, so I thank you for that
  5. l Zero Fox l

    l Zero Fox l Ancient
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    When I played this at FnF, at first I didn't know it was by you.
    I just thought it was one of those 1337 featured maps here on Forge Hub (which eventually it probably will be) and I gotta say you've outdone yourself this time!

    In my opinion, this map is both great for its aesthetics and gameplay.
    What really caught my eye were the sunken single boxes. Excellent geo-merging!

    Personally i really enjoy CQC and sniping and you definitely had these two combat styles really well covered.

    Except G043R did NOT want to drop the sniper at the FnF!! >:O

    You also had lots of nice 45 degree angle walls from each other for good grenade bouncing (I believe especially around the rocket hut)

    Anyways, I honestly didn't even know about the back alley or the switch sooo maybe it was just me in the heat of combat, idk.

    But still, I'm glad you put a little Artificer in this great map ;]

    Great job Iverson, really keep up the great work with your maps.
    Maps like these with innovative switches (which didn't seem to be a strong point of this map :[) can definitely get you promoted to be an Artificer.

    See you around!
  6. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    it looks nice, though usually switches don't work to well in fast-paced competitive games. and if this is a slow-paced competitive game... well then thats just an oxymoron
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol No One Ever Uses This

    Hey man I just want to say Great map.

    The interlocking is very nice.Geomerging is perfect and it rewarded your long hard work to do it.The Geo Merged single boxes on the ground is a really nice touch.Especially making a weapon spawn there was genious.The teleporter signals and aesthetics are an amazing feature turning plain areas into cool looking ones.The switch is the first switch I ever saw to do what it does.It looks very original and a beautiful add-on to a map.So I hyave no suggestions for this map what so ever.

    I hope you keep making amazing maps =].
  8. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    @ zerofox

    i thank you for all your compliments, they are great, and i hope you had just as much fun playing this map, as i did, and i hope this can help bring more artificers to make maps with switches in them.

    you are right, go4ers laggy *** shouldve dropped the sniper for you (just kidding go4er =] )

    you are the first person to actually notice the angled walls could be made excellent for nade bouncing, im glad you noticed.


    dude, you already complimented on this map, but i appreciate two i guess



    i appreciate the fact that you complimented the parts of the map that i really worked hard on, trying to make it as good looking as possible

    thanks guys
  9. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Awsome map 5/5 nice interlocking 5/5. The gamplay looks fun and i like the switch very creative it must of took alot of time KEEP FORGING!
  10. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    naw i think ill just quit

  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Sorry I been massive busy with forging But I really liked your map... I saw it ..and we played it for the FNF and I did't get a chance to comment... I feel bad about that... But at all I blame the lag for the spawn issues...
  12. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Just great. Not only funcitonal, but with beautiful aesthetic structures. Well planned and carried out, this is just plain great. Weapon set is solid and balanced.

    Being a competitve map, the main attraction is not the gametype, since they're usually pretty close to the default (or the default). But the map's construction almost promises good gameplay.

    Final Comments and Rating:
    Solid gameplay, solid map, beautiful and smooth-playing. 10/10
  13. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    haha wow this got bumbed up

    but go4er thank you for finally commenting, i thought you were just mad at me or something but then i played with you and you didnt seem like you were mad haha

    oh well
  14. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    its a nice map but it definatly shouldnt be played against a good team, that middle base pretty much overlooks the whole map except their spawn and which ever team controlls the middle would be very hard to brake.

    nicely made map though =]
  15. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    the middle can be overpowering at times

    however usually with even matched teams, there isnt a problem with the middle base
  16. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Wow this is tight! Nice post! Tons of pictures to display this great map! This is really great! Nice map layout and interlocking! Overall great job! I'll DL this because I really think that gameplay will run well on this...
  17. FirstXboxKid

    FirstXboxKid Ancient
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    Great work!

    This looks really cool and i cant wait to play on it, it looks like a lot of fun, and complicated, with the whole switch buisness, its awesome. looks like its worthy for the front page. AWESOME
  18. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    well thank you, it doesnt really matter to me if it is on the front page or not, however that would be awsome, i am looking forward to seeing if you end up liking the gameplay as much as the looks

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