
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dented_drum, Jul 9, 2008.


Keep the FireBombs???

  1. Yes

    24 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    I gotta say, after doing a forge through, this is an amazing map. What really makes this map is the way that there are a bunch of different levels to this map, it changes all the time and makes the map seem very proffessional and like something from a real game developer. This is my favorite of your forging team's maps so far and I can't wait for more. I also think this should be featured. Great job 5/5.

    ps. The regenerator thing is really cool, I don't know why it works but nice job on getting that to work, it adds a feature to your map that makes this a very memorable map.
    #61 Beyond Skill198, Jul 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  2. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Haha, don't sweat the glitch thing. Seriously, I just don't want any ignorant comments. If someone is going to complain, I want them at least to have some grounds on it. That's why I never said that we discovered it, only that we used it.

    Furthermore, thanks for the comment. I'm glad my post helped you figure some things out. I always rate a Forger 50% on their map and 50% on their post of the map. There's nothing more respectable than a great post, in my opinion. So, I'll be looking to see some beauty from you in the future. Thanks a lot, bro!

    I'll say exactly what Grid said. We feel the exact same way. We hate for you to ever know that you're on Foundry. We don't want you to know that you're anywhere near what was once a Bungie-made map. Anything that we claim as our's should have it's own environment, feeling, and gameplay.

    For that reason and more, we never like to use Foundry's floor. I actually wanted to incorporate as many different surfaces as I could in this map. I like having a mix of box/wall/fence. Also, there's the Window Panel Tunnel, and Bridges to walk on at the end of that. EVEN in addition to that, there are two Dumpsters by Rocket Spawn that are perfectly walkable. I'd like to say that we accomplished that goal quite nicely. Thanks for your comment, and I hope you enjoyed Regency!!

    Thanks for remind me, Sharp! I almost forgot to put a funneh in this post.

    Haha, that works, bro. Seriously, I was just being picky. I really didn't mind a bit. Critiquing every aspect of everything is one of those weird twitches both Grid and I have, so I blame it on that. However, that twitch makes for some nice maps, if I may say so. Ha, thanks, bro!

    YOU EFFING BETTER! You got a paragraph! CRLY. Ha, thanks for all your help, bro. Hope you like the map!

    I'm gonna see if I've +REPed you yet. If I haven't, you're about to get it. I always appreciate someone checking out my map, and coming back to give some comments. Now, when those comments are as positive as your's are, I am usually swayed by the flattery. I'm human, ok. Ha, but that was a nice comment. Thanks a lot, and I'm thrilled that you liked Regency!!!

    dint tihnk therd b a funneh//?

  3. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Wow, this map is amazingzorz. Good job with clean interlocking. 6/5
  4. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Oh so true my friend. I do the same thing. Notice that i havent said anything about our little "secret" we found in a custom game?

    No peoples, im not telling.

    Desert Rat 852
  5. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    *sneaks in to house* I will find the secret!
  6. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    frst a funneh


    Spank you. 6/5 is like a mind bomb. I likez itz.

    Lulz. I still haven't even showed Grid that. He's not been on lately. Ah, this is already too public. *halts post*

    Sharpest, not even you have found this one. I was quite surprised at myself. I amazed myself and disappointed myself all at the same time. Mind bomb.
  7. Eswo 'Mijomee

    Eswo 'Mijomee Ancient
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    I saw a new map in your sig, and I knew I needed to comment it. :D

    I am downloading it now, but from what I can see in this post is that the interlocking looks flawless. In addition, I can tell just by the pictures that this is a better doubles map than most stock maps, due to the lack of many power weapons, few camping spots and the fact that it's sized for 2v2/3v3, not 4v4 and up. *cough*The Pit*cough*

    Okay, here's what I have to say..

    One, the size is perfect for team doubles, and the games weren't decided by the best campers or best power weapon abuser. I also like that there were Plasma Rifles on it, which aren't seen very often. Everything is perfectly walkable.

    My two criticisms are that it's relatively easy to escape the map, by grenade jumping off of the rocket platform/fence wall platforms at each base and that you didn't mess with the run time, so there can only be two Plasma Rifles and two SMGs on the map at one time.

    I would like to know, how do you come up with all these ideas for your maps? They're like none I have ever seen before, and I can never seem to come up with any ideas like them.
    #67 Eswo 'Mijomee, Jul 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
  8. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
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    I will let Nosey go into more detail on this one, but i will throw in my 2 cents.

    Usually there is some sort of random idea for a map or there is a certain structure we make and find that we really like. (i.e. the regen-key lift) Then we build out from there and the map usually comes along as we go, with many changes along the way. Sometimes one of us has to get off (usually me) and when i get back, theres a whole new struture the other one came up with (usually Nosey). The we revise it ad perfect all the interlocking, and move on. So overall, there usually is a base that we are workig out from or some sort of simple idea for the map. However, this is ALWAYS changed as the map moves along and develops.

    Thanks for the comments and support everyone!
  9. Mini Rhino2k8

    Mini Rhino2k8 Ancient
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  10. Eswo 'Mijomee

    Eswo 'Mijomee Ancient
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    Thanks for that... I'll try coming up with something and then bridging out, instead of just putting random stuff together.

    Also, I edited my other post with the rest of my review.
  11. Snip3rs Creed

    Snip3rs Creed Ancient
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    WOW is all can say!!! Great job and DL here
  12. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    frst a funneh


    Wow, that's a lot of words to work with. I'll see what I can do with it all =]

    I also really appreciate that you had complaints. As rare as that is to say, I like that you complained, but did so respectfully. With that in mind, I'll construct my retort.

    Escapability: It is possible to escape, yes. However, this was not found until after the map was complete. When I say, "complete," I mean, we had already adjusted the Run-Time Maximums to fit the normal budget. That is, we removed the budget glitch. So, at this point, the only way to fix it would be to return to the previously saved version (map was complete, but no spawns or gametype items). The two spots are difficult to escape from, actually. I had to try at it a few times. If you escaped from the Rocket Platform, then I'm almost certain you had jet packs on. We had several people try, and none were successful. The only spots are the Fence Wall Posts, which I regret.

    Run-Time Max's: You wanted the map to allow more than just two of the dual-wieldable weapons, I believe. It was left at 2 purposefully. I've always felt that the beauty of non-standard weapons (Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, SMG, etc) are that you are pulling yourself out of the "player's comfort zone." So, when I dual-wield a Plasma Rifle and SMG, I never want to see another person on the map with that same set of weapons. I believe that counteracts the purpose of them even being there. You put yourself at the risk of a disadvantage, but at the chance of an advantage if used correctly. Allowing more than 2 Plasma Rifles on the map would affect someone's willingness to pick them up. If I want that advantage of having them, then picking them up at the chance of someone else having the same thing sort of defeats my original purpose in picking them up.

    I hope that made sense =]

    Now, as per your question of how we come up with our ideas:::::

    We start with a single focus. This time, it was a Window Panel tunnel and using the "Danger" sign on the back wall of Foundry. We start with one cool idea like that, and then work from there. Often times, we have to delete large sections or completely re-construct our thoughts of what the map is to be. It pays off, though. The fact that we Forge together is at least 40% of our success. Having someone else to Forge with will rarely work against you.

    So, just try out that idea. Think of a way to use any single object that's original. Try to step outside the Forge box as much as possible, while still maintaining the quality the popular ForgeHub maps have.

    Thanks a lot for your post and thoughts. Glad you liked it!!

    Phew, this looks like less of a work-out, ha. Thanks for downloading, and I hope you liked it! We haven't even started our next project because we've been so busy, but we're tossing around ideas. I'm hoping to improve yet again.
  13. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    looks awesome!! 5/5 imma dl it right now.
  14. H3 Crimson

    H3 Crimson Ancient
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    Hey Nosey! It looks awesome with some great merging. I really like the Danger Tunnel!
    dented_drum likes this.
  15. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Awsome map 5/5 good description 5/5 but instead of putting "^^^Linksorz^^^" put download link it helps somepeople are idiots and dont know what it is.
  16. H3 Crimson

    H3 Crimson Ancient
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    I know what you mean. I posted some stuff about merging in the forums and like 5 people asked what it was! Also where are the fire bombs Nosey?
  17. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    You can't find the fire bombs? Have not you played the map? Or are you just an idiot?
    dented_drum likes this.
  18. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    frst a funneh


    'Bout time someone besides Carter got a ForgeHub account! Glad you liked the map. It took loads of time, ha. The Danger Tunnel is truly one of the most fun things we've done. It was a blast.

    I'm not responsible for their internet illiteracy or general inadequecies. Thanks for your comment, though! Lulz.

    Haha, Bnet, your first mistake!

    1. On the Fence Wall that connects to Rocket Platform.

    2. Lying just in front of the Double Box: Open, which is in the center of the map. It's on the SMG side of the Box.

    3. At the top of the Lift Perch. Right beside the Carbine are one Frag and one Firebomb.

  19. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
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    frst a funneh


    Ok, so it was just teh funneh, nothing secnd
  20. Eswo 'Mijomee

    Eswo 'Mijomee Ancient
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    Thanks for responding. :)

    I think my complaint on the dual wieldables is more for items with limited ammo, like magnums. I played on my friend's map of random stuff thrown together, and I kept having to drop my magnum whenever I needed more ammo.

    Edit: Also, the Carbine was my other complaint regarding the runtime. BRs get all the love. :|

    But I see where you're going with that.

    If you'd like, I can be the guinea pig/map escaper for you. :p

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