this is a map for team slayer. it has 2 levels and to get to the top there are four places. the 2 fence boxes and the two wall corners. to get down take the stairs. This map is not able not get out of unless on forge. This map took me about 3hrs plus fixin it up so plese enjoy the lift to the 2nd floor Shotgun spawn and center of bottom floor The flamethrower spawn and center of the top level. and on top turrets Please comment and rate also check out my other map Figure 8 Bearcatdude. HERE IS THE LINK: Factory M
conor i hope u no i made this map not 2 long ago O and i am posting another map. the one i made earlier
The roof kind of looks a bit sloppy, but who cares, its a roof. (It keeps out water, right?) Great interlocking, but cant ppl spawn kill? Looks a little too small, unless they respawn on either the top or bottom floor, then I'm wrong.
nice map but what is the deal with the randomly fused stairs in the corner? do the have any significants?
Probably just for aesthetics. Along with the stairs I've noticed a few other things I thought were pretty cool, and overall I'd give it a 4/5 because of some sloppy interlocking