i was looking at the bungie fourms when i caught this topic Would you be willing to pay 800 ms points for this forge update? i checked it out and this is what it said: Thread by CheezBall42 ======================================================= Everybody knows that forge is one of the best things Bungie has ever given us, but it is missing a couple things that would make it the best thing they've given us. So the question is: Would you be willing to pay 800 microsoft points ($10) OR MORE for this great forge update? If you seriously think they should, please post a comment to keep this thread alive and maybe, just maybe someone from Bungie will see this. Eventually there will be a group of supporters of this update, and everyone who has commented here will be invited to join. These are pure suggestions to Bungie, not complaints. Please take all this seriously! The update would include: - Gaurdians (spawn them and size them like a koth hill or a respawn area) - A "Delete All Items" button - 90 degree snap button - An Undo button (don't you hate when you delete something on accident?) - Openable and closable doors/gates (like the ones on standoff, but closable) - Destructable Walls (like a wall from foundry, but it would crack and eventually break when damaged like a barrier) - Trees - Dead characters such as marines, elites, brutes, etc. - Wrecked Pelicans and Phantoms (maybe like 1 per map) - The ability to change the time of day (an object very similar to a filter) - Ladders - Shade Turrets - Jackal Sniper Towers - AA Wraiths - Troop Warthogs - Choice of skin on vehicles (iced or normal) - Choice of color for containers on maps like Avalanche, Blackout, Rats Nest... - A second custom powerup (edit it seperatly from the main yellow one) - Red and Blue banners for marking the red and blue sides of maps - More signs than just A and B - Sizable Filters - Breakable glass windows (remember the ones on good old fashioned Zanzibar?) - Floors/larger walls - Roads for racing maps - A "Position Lock" button which would allow you to make sure an object could not move - "Forge Glue" - A button making objects float (instead of glitching stuff to float) - Snowmen on snow covered maps for laughs (not default placed, just forgable) - Some sort of weather modifier (again, an object similar to a filter) These are both my ideas, and ideas of the public. I've created posts in the past gathering these ideas, this post sums it all up. ===================================================== i think it is an awsome idea and i think people should keep the thread alive go to the tread here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing hopefully this will be seen by bungie. and made into an update.
I would pay $5 for the update, $10 for a larger 'foundry' type map with the update. Anyways, a lot of this stuff sounds like it should have been included with the game anyways. Such as undo, 90 degree snap, objects from campaign. Also, I think that all of the previous map should be updated with map pack items, and there should be an option on whether or not you want objects to stick. Ex. Last Resort - Default Yes/[No] ; Foundry - Default [Yes]/No
Keep this thread alive people make bungie notice this and know that they must do what the community wants!
Sorry to burst your bubble but theirs like 10 of these on every Halo related forum out their.And Bungie hasn't listened to a single one of them.SOrry but it won't happen.
the nice thing about a buyable forge update is that it isn't something bungie has to make available for free eventually because it doesn't need to be used by everyone eventually (current DLC and matchmaking) with the exception of the occasional 2xp weekends. So yes I would definitely pay for a sweet forge update. I would go as far as to pay 1600 microsoft points, but that's only as long as it is a truly epic update.
Yeah, I would pay to have an awesome forge update. The problem is that the shipped maps don't have the new forge items in their coding, so it would be hard to update them with all the heroic and legendary maps forge items and the heroic maps with the legendary forge items.
Yes, I would pay for that. But havent Bungie said that adding something new to forge itself is impossible?
The only way they can do it is if they make new maps. Which they will. But if they do they should use that list.
They're all great ideas, the ones above IMO will never happen. Adding new weapons or vehicles is something I highly doubt will happen too.
they should make like a blank flat map like a platform were you can make it any size or shape and have a choice to put walls or a cliff. it would also have every idea. (but thats only in forge heaven