TNT Polo

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by TrueDarkFusion, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    TNT Polo
    Created by TrueDarkFusion & SargeantSarcasm
    Bringing new meaning to sport games in an explosive way!
    6-8 Players Recommended

    Download TNT Arena Map
    Download TNT Polo Variant

    TNT Polo is a map designed to break the tension and absurdity of long competitive gaming sessions and the monotony behind popular sports games such as Grifball, and its many successors. However, despite it being classified in the same field as the games mentioned above, it is not an epic failure of a game like FH’s proud Bolla, or even an imitation of Grifball. No, it is something entirely different.

    The game works as follows:

    • There are two teams situated on opposing sides of an open field
    • A fusion coil is positioned neatly between the two opposing factions
    • Each player is given an SMG and 0% damage
      • Opponents can only kill one another through the skillful use of assassinations
        • radar is off to increase strategy
      • Players can shoot/push/melee the fusion coil without fear since the fusion coil only explodes after excessive bullets have hit it.
        • When the coil explodes, it resets in the center of the map
    • The corners of the map have mancannons to prevent the fusion coil from getting stuck
    • Take note of your half of the field's color
      • Side A = yellow
      • Side B = red
      • Players on side A push the fusion coil to side B's hole to score
      • After the round ends, players reset on the opposite side
    • There are a total of 5, 3-minute rounds

    The Scoring Mechanism

    Each goal consists of 3 parts

    • The hole: square-shaped with slanted fence walls interlocked downward
    • The chute: small drop-shoot directly below, and interlocked into the slanted walls. Has teleporters at it's entrance, with a grav-lift centered inside for propulsion.
      • The teleporters are used to keep cheaters from prematurely dropping into the goal, it shoots players into the center of the map, facing their own hole.
    • The bottom: a turret lies on top of a bomb spawn point, which in turn lies directly above a bomb plant point
      • Weapon pick-up is off mainly due to keeping players from picking up the turret, and dual-wielding SMGs

    1. The coil drops down through the hole and teleporter, into a chute, and destroys the turret, which in turn, spawns on top of the receiving teleporter, thus blocking the cheat-prevention device.
    2. The team that has just deactivated the teleporters may now jump into the hole pick up the bomb, which instantly detonates, thus earning the team 1 point.

    There are two important types of players in this game, that are absolutely essential to winning, and two more roles that people tend to take on.

    • Brawler: The Brawler is the teammate dedicated to assassinating everyone on the other team, thus leaving the hole open to score.
    • Carrier: The Carrier is the one who actively pursues pushing the fusion coil and scoring, they usually don't bother themselves with assassinations.
    • Guard: The Guard protects the carrier from assassinations and helps push the fusion coil forward.
    • Defender: The Defender tends to hang back and watch for potential assassinations on their teammates, furthermore, they help push the fusion coil from their position near their hole with precision shots. They are the last line of defense should their team fail to keep the fusion coil on the other side of the court.
    A POWER PLAY is when one team is outnumbered, due to a prevalence of assassinations, thereby leaving the aggressive team with the upper hand due to 10 second respawns.

    This is not any ordinary fusion coil. It is the focus of the game and ultimately the ball of TNT Polo.

    As you can see TNT Arena is not quite as large as Foundry, but it almost spans the entire length. All this space leaves plenty of room to maneuver the coil around the field in an attempt to score a goal on your opponent.

    The coil rests peacefully at center court before the coming storm hits. This coil is in for a bumpy ride.

    The opposing teams face off at the start of the round as they view the targeted coil. The teams will soon be locked in an epic battle, trying to navigate the coil into the opposing team's hole.

    Opposing Carriers attempt to gain control over the coil while Brawlers from each team try to flank the opposition.

    A red team Brawler manages to assassinate a blue team Carrier, resulting in a powerplay for the red team.

    A pair of red team Carriers manage to navigate the coil to the blue team's hole despite attempted defense on part of the blues.

    The blue team's receiver node before the coil triggers the switch. Once the switch is triggered the receiver node is blocked off and the red team can hop into the hole to score with ease.

    The coil descends to the depths of the chute where it will crush the turret and force a turret to spawn atop the receiver node due to run time minimum being set to 1 and the turret at the bottom set to not respawn.

    The turret atop the receiver node has now been force spawned because the coil crushed its sister turret.

    A member of the red team has jumped down the chute to grab the bomb and ultimately score for their team.


    Pretty fireworks! That's one more point for the red team!
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Wow. This looks really well made and organized, although I had to laugh when I saw the giant field and one fusion coil. Always great to see a new idea
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Ahh... you guys finally finished this map...

    I have great expectations for this for all the hard work yall put in this map....

    I would like to play a round with you and a party to see if it plays better than grifball.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Wow TDF that is so original I am speachless.A Fusion coil.That is genious.I'm downloading this so hard that I'll post about it later.

  5. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    OMG, i MUST play this game. its like Grifball but 10 times better. a very creative idea that i never wouldve thought of too. I like how you gave positions to certain people, also adds to the creativity. and i suspect this automatcially gets on the next mini game map pack right? lol. anyway. I'll DL and try to play as soon as possible (now the first priority on maps/games to play) so i can get some real good feedback for you.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Wow. You have inspired me to make mini games in the past. this is as original as its gonna get. One question:
    Does the grav lift blow away the turret that spawns blocking the teleporter or does it stay still.
    Does someone mind recommending this to the gamertag DimmestBread. I can't download from bungie cause I can't link my gamertag.
  7. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Nah, the turret stays there blocking the tele. The gravlift doesn't push it away.

    Very fun map TDF. Glad to see myself in a couple of the pictures haha.
  8. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    wow wut epicness lol.... very very very well thought out... favorite part has to be the 0% damage and being able to manuever the coil around the field. I had doubts at first.. thought the coil was supposed to explode but with weapons able to deal no damage you can actually use the fusion coils as a piece! well done brave 5/5 you got my download
  9. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    10/10 for this one. Would download, but everyone I know has to play COD4 instead...
  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    a rating before a play...that isn't before you say
    AqueousBeaver and Playerhata27 like this.
  11. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    i am so amazed with this map, a definite download, the technicalities of this map are amzing. i would never think of this, virtual HI-5!!

    this should be a game for bungie's double exp weekend!
    #11 monkeyrantz, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  12. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    its like a perfected soccer- with semi-automatic weapons- and no soccer moms!!1!
  13. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    wow its like tug o war with an explosive ball that isnt so explosive. anyway it looks awesomely fun. 9/10
  14. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    most original idea for a mini game ever
  15. Jonny WONTON

    Jonny WONTON Ancient
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    SARGE: DO NOT quote the entire post

    i just downloaded this map variant and the map and i don't understand how to play the game can you show me how and invite some of your friends so they can all help me as well. MY gamer tag is Jonny WONTON
    #15 Jonny WONTON, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2008
  16. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Watch the youtube video. Please don't scheme to try to get me into your room.
  17. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i'm confused, after the fusion coil goes in the hole, what do you have to do to score
  18. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    In a week the people of the streets will be shouting the name "TNT Polo" and to those people you will deliver your speach on how you became a forging god!
  19. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    my god, do you people read the entire thing? or do you just stare at the pretty pictures?

  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    dang, this has been reallly thought out,
    but it seems a wee bit hard to score if you ask me, getting a fusion coil all the way across foundry without someone blowing it up...?
    I'm sure you have tested this many times so i cant talk, i have downloaded and i will try it out some time =D

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