your interlocking seems pretty well done except that wall corner where base 1 is. anyways i like the feel and look of the map. for your first map post i must say good job.
Yeah it was my first time interlocking a map, i was looking over the map before i posted for mistakes but i missed that corner wall, it will be fixed for v2, yesterday i tried using trucks as trains, but they kept flipping off the track, plus they don't fit through teleporters either. So over the next few days i'm trying 'trains' with different objects for v2, hopefully dumpsters will work. thanks ill use that in the future
it looks pretty fun and cool to play on. i like the idea looks goodly merged. great job for ur first map.4.5/5 from the pics
Reminds me of a map on some other game that was a Subway. (Which I loved) The only thing I would wish to see in this map is two trains going on the 'tracks'. (Like in Term. in Halo 2) ~But we both know that's impossible in forge~ (Oh well) But yeah, your map looks fun. ~DL~