This map looks superb.I love the idea of a cool new tank idea.Also i love how you made it different styles too.5/5
looks pretty cool, a good idea and looks very detailed, uv done well and the inside looks as gd as the out side, well done
Awesome, smooth, original, and very realistic looking. It should replace the elephant on Sandtrap lol.
He dosent have enough Share space and he wants u to come up with your own ideas like this mortar LEOPARDMORTAR
Glad to see someone got creative with the Leopard. Remember folks, post images of what you make with this canvas! Everyone is fully welcome to make their own maps with this. That includes competitive maps that use the Leopard as a base, or objective. Just remember to credit me if you use it~!
Cool map, I made a map out of this, here is a link. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Problems with this: small, barely interlocked, doesn't show a lot of aesthic beauty, creativity, or effort. also its not that original since like 80 ppl have done the same thing.
Wut. When I first posted this, everyone was doing planes and airships. I didn`t see any sort of land vehicle on the aesthetic forums when I started building this.
i know but its very similar ideas. i mean the idea is original but it's structure and such aren't. the pelican someone made looks just like this, but without wings and then with wheels. i'm not saying its bad, just has had similar ideas. at least it has an original twist unlike some ideas.
yeah... but it still seems like a good map... well crafted. and THANK YOU for not making another ship map, if you look on the front page over there there's like 5 on the top.