Cries Of Pain Presents.. ~ ~ SlaughterHouse v2 ~ An Epic Sequel To Slaughterhouse Slaughterhouse v2 is a sequel to a map i've previously made called, SlaughterHouse. A couple of people suggested 'make a v2, some stuff can be fixed to make it totally fun!'. well sure enough, here it is.. SlaughterHouse v2. For the people who are not farmilliar with my SlaughterHouse series, there are alot of TWISTS & TURNS, NO RADARS, Just YOU, A SHOTGUN, A MAGNUM, AND ALOT OF FLESH WANTING MEAT-CUTTERS CALLED CLEAVERS. Fixes Since SlaughterHouse v1 1. No Heaviliy Armored Weapon Vaults 2. No SPAWN KILLING 3. Fixed Spawns For Cleavers( I realized after that v1's had very messed up spawnlocations that did not work so well.) 4. Map is FAR LARGER THAN v1 5. LOADS MORE FUN! In SlaughterHouse v2 I have FULLY ELIMINATED SPAWN KILLING! The Humans Spawn Area is prevented by spawn killing for 3 reasons, Theres a hallway with 2 floors, shield door barriers by the exit of spawn and its about 10 feet high. first floor hallway for human spawn, humans actually spawn right behind my position of where this screenshot was taken second floor hallway for human spawn, humans jump on dumpster to then again jump to second floor hallway And the shield door barrier, 10 feet high, the advantage is Cleavers are very high gravity making then jump alot LESS higher MOVING TWORDS CLEAVER SPAWN! Onward twords the Cleaver spawn, you will encounter a grav lift elevator then The Grand Stairs, going down, twords Cleaver Spawn Also for the fans of the Up-Right Ghost, I added another one In SlaughterHouse v2! and lastly, here is Cleaver Spawn and how it Prevents Spawn Killing! I've combined 2 fence boxes merged with a open box to make the zombie spawn, making up very high so that humans cannot jump in ALWAYS REMEMBER... THE CLEAVERS ARE COMING FOR YOU! Download Links! Map - SlaughterHouse v2 Game - The Cleaver v2 Hope You Love The Map, Cries Of Pain
yes i was wondering when this would come out because of the awesomeness of the first. the story is what was the best part(the cleavers are going to get ya) ::downloading::
I like your creativity in the backstory.You also seem to be experienced in forging. 5/5.Keep forging!
this map seems a bit messy in pictures one and five i found a few things that could have been fixed, showing that some effort was put into this map, but not alot i like the idea behind it, you just lack a few skills to have it all come together as you planned
can i just say the v1 came out about 3 days ago other than that great map. all the errors in the first were fixed
WAAAYYY better than the last version. You really improved on the map, and I saw no weapon armory. All tho the spawn still seems like spawn killing could happen, I am probably wrong. Great upgrade. 5/5 (Still Learn some interlocking and all that stuff.)
very nice. and clever i would let this sink in until a v2. let people enjoy this one and then wow us with a v2!
i dont realy think its an amazing map - maybe you need to improve on your skills to make better maps and good look with that --- 6.5/10