I had an idea for a couple of maps based around Halo 3's anniverary of release, September 25. I wanted to make a few maps that would be really fun to play on, and would be a great sentiment to Halo 3's release. I just wanted to throw the idea out, and if anyone would like to help with forging, you can send me a message over Xbox Live. My Gamertag is BiskitAsassin (exactly as spelled, and no spaces) so yea, i hope my idea is good. Thanks Biskit. :squirrel_jaffa:
Mabey a monument of Master Chief or something like that would be fun. I'll gladly assist with all of your ideas
1st Map I have a baisic concept and construction of the 1st map here called Garbage Warrior Check it out
that would be a great idea! if anyone would like to start building this with/for me that would be perfect. im not good with this kinda stuff. the creator of that map wouuld get some nice +rep too, and complee credit for that map. PLEASE NOTE: THESE MAPS WILL NOT BE RELEASED OFFICIALLY UNTIL SEPTEMBER 24 @ 11:59 PM. IF SOMONE COMPLETES THIS MONUMENT MAP ABOVE, AND POSTS IT WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE, SOMONE WILL BE VERY SURGEFACE. NO REP 4 U!