Hello fellow Forgers! This is my first thread and I am going to show you a map I made called Borders. I cant take all the credit though I had a little help. Half the mapwas done by cousin named Jake Woods and from TexasMarksman33. His profile is pretty good check it out later. Anyways on to Borders. Borders is a Aesimetrical map on Foundry made for slayer it has plenty of vehicles major Weapon caches, Floating Sniper Towers and a neverending fusion coil-explosion border down the middle. You do not have to DL my gametype but is reccommended The Link to the map is Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The Link to the gametype is Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Now for some pictures An overview of the map Team 1's weapon cache(both caches r similar) Middle Sniper Tower thx Plz Comment!
first post you need to embedd your pics, use photoshop or something else to upload to, the take the code and post on the thread
you might wat to get ridda the coils, the game will get lagegd up, then ill get killed via lag, then get pissed off, swear, quit, andf give you bad feedbak ahaha so lets not go there