Defrag HG-JMP1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Devinish, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    The Premise
    Get to all of the destinations using your Halo 3 jumping skills. Use the portals in "The Hub" to help you in your journey.

    What You Need
    The Map
    You need this Game variant, which times your run, and gives you other attributes required for the map to be used.
    You also need to have a pretty good jumping ability. You must be familiar with crouch jumping, slide jumping, grenade jumping, Brute shot jumping, Edge ghost jumping, and "poop" jumping to finish this course. If you are not familiar with these, do some research, you'll be a better person.

    The Destinations

    One - Warm Up
    This problem is pretty straight forward, all you must do is jump to where the power drain would be and get to the destination. A crouch jump will do the trick. (Difficulty 2/10)

    The Hub
    After completing the first problem, you will teleport to The Hub. Start on the left and work your way to the right. I placed cones in front of the teleporters; you can walk over them to keep track of what problems you have tried (I'm a genius, I know).

    Two - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
    this one is also easy, just get to the tree. A skilled player might use the rock in front of the bunker to get some additional speed, and save some precious seconds. Use the return portal next to the tree to get back to The Hub. (Difficulty 2/10)

    Three - (Insert Witty Name Here)
    The Grenade Jump
    For this problem, you will have to get on top of the Spartan Tower unaided, and then pick up the grenade and grenade jump to reach the destination. There is a return portal on the ground inside the base. (Difficulty 5/10)

    Four - Tree Running
    Five - Tree Running Continued
    The return of the dreaded tree problem. This two part problem isn't quite as hard as the last one (From LR-JMP1). You will be teleported directly below your first destination, but it doesn't stop there. Follow the cones to get to get into the Forest, and stay in the treetops until you reach the fifth destination. Use the return portal you used in problem 2. Be careful, you might have to think a little bit about this one, don't hurt yourself. (Difficulty 6/10)

    Six - Advanced Brute Shot Jumping
    You are most definitely going to need some skill for this problem. You will start in the water. Jump onto the rock in front of you to grab the Brute Shot. You need to get on top of the big rock in order to get to the destination. There isn't any ammo on top though, so you must only use a few shots to get up, and save the rest for the second half of the trip. If you run out of ammo, you must drop the empty brute shot (using the other weapons provided) and start over. The return portal can be found in the middle of the water. (Difficulty 8/10)

    Seven - Advanced "Poop" Jumping
    Seven Part 2 - "But I can't see the destination..."
    This is one of the hardest problems. You must Edge Ghost Jump in the corner to get on top of the rock. You must then grab the Radar Jammer to "poop" jump AROUND the corner into the destination and into the return portal. It's harder than it sounds. P.S. Trying to "poop" jump from the ground is only going to get you frustrated... (Difficulty 9/10)

    Eight - Gaining Momentum
    Eight - Using Momentum
    From atop the Bridge, you must jump into the portal laying outside the base. this will teleport you outside the map where you will have to time your crouches and jumps in order to survive. the ground has an invisible timer, when expired, will kill you; so stay in the air as much as possible. You are safe right after the Caution Hurdle. If you die, you will respawn at The Hub. (Difficulty 9/10)

    Nine - Lunch Break
    This is not a very difficult problem. Get to the switch for the gate, open it, jump down, and grab the Grav Lift as quickly as possible. Then return to The Hub via the portal right behind you. (Difficulty 1/10)

    Ten - Ready for the Last Test
    Ten - Final Exam
    Using the Grav Lift, get to the last teleporter in The Hub. The Final Exam will require you to double "poop" jump in midair, while changing directions, and looking straight down. If you fail, you can use the return portal for number Six. The Grav lift will only stay active for about two tries if you are quick. Afterwards, you will have to grab another one from under the bridge. (Difficulty 10/10)


    1. Where is the timer?
    The official completion time is the time you were VIP in the postgame stats.

    2. What do I do for number (blah blah blah)?
    Please read the above descriptions...

    3. What's your best time?

    4. Number (blah blah blah) is impossible!
    No it isn't. Here are some videos to help you on your journey:
    These videos will be most helpful to you, all of the tutorials for the jumps required can be found here.
    This Video shows some other great Edge Ghost and Slide jumps.
    This Video shows the "poop" jumping technique, as well as some other nifty stuff.
    For those who are finding these to be extremely difficult, watch the videos, and give it another try.

    5. I found a way to cheat!
    If you can't figure a problem out, do some research into the jumps required, finding alternate ways around will usually give you a slower time anyways. Cheater ;-)

    6. One to the Two to the...
    ... Three to the Four.

    Viele Glueck!

    If you like this, you might also like:
    Defrag FD-JMP1.
    Defrag LR-JMP1.
    #1 Devinish, Jan 20, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks great! im gonna download it and try it but i think i can only get past part 1 or 2 :p
  3. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh goodness all these puzzle maps are going to kill my head.

    Good job though.

  4. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks hard and difficult but looks like it could be fun. I'll be sure to try this out when I get a chance. Good work.
  5. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    There is a very smooth learning curve on this one. So even those who are not very good will be able to get through to a certain point. And again, for those who are having trouble, I posted a link to some helpful videos above. My previous map Defrag LR-JMP1 on Last Resort is a little bit easier than this one, but the learning curve is a bit more crooked.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ahh ok i thought u said it was harder so i was gonna try to beat LR first...*downloading*
  7. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Overall HG-JMP is more difficult, however the learning curve is perfectly smooth, whereas LR-JMP's problems are easier on the whole, but harder problems are given to the player sooner. You see what I'm getting at?
  8. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks fun and a cool idea. Ill check it out.
  9. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i found a link to an article containing some videos that help explain the jump techniques and here it is:
  10. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^^ Thanks. Good post. Those vids will definitely be useful.
  11. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im downloading right now. It looks awsome.
  12. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you might want to add them to your original post and possibly to the last resort jump challenge as well
  13. Joey

    Joey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks really good, I have downloaded it and going to play it when I get back from school :p.
  14. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Tutorial on Edge Ghost and Slide jumping is contained within the FAQ videos. But I have added those jumping montages to the FAQ as well. Thanks again.
  15. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
    Senior Member

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