This is probably the last secret i find on Halo 2 but its been buggin me for awhile. Does anyone know if the Golden Warthog is real? No mods!
To be honest, I have never heard of the "Golden Warthog" before. I have seen mods in place like you meantioned that had skins put on them. Other than that I have no clue.
the golden warthog was in fact a glitch when a warthog blew up in halo 2 it would sometime turn gold for about a second and then change colors back to being blown up i no because of a bungie explanation and seeing it happening live
Yea it was funny before people knew that it wasnt a hidden vehicle. SO many videos of nubsauce trying to get the golden warthog lulz
Yea sarge knows what im talking about. Theres always those people that believe these crazy rumors only to be owned by the truth. LMAO Those recon guys were priceless.
The only way to get a golden or civilian warthog is moding Halo2 and making it in Halo Custom Edition. I'm actually surprised that half of you guys, in the post, haven't herd of it.
I found a video of it and it looks pretty legitimate to me. [youtube][/youtube]
There's a vid on Youtube that shows a guy 'getting a golden warthog' by doing something with a Wraith, but it can only be see by him, and some 10 year old whines about it and wants to see it. Its funny :squirrel_giggle: