Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is a map that works with every game type and is meant for 4 -10 player games. It has alot of strategic points and weopons place to fit the surroundings. Like a sniper looking over the main room or a flame thrower on the small bridge. Created a week after maps came out I never touched it until yesterday now it is ready to be shared. Plz download and rate. Blue Base Blue Side Room Center Room Bridge Red Base Red Side Room CTF Game When i made this map i was thinking first team slayer then i thought capture the flag would be cool so then i thought every gametype could work so i built up two bases and a battlfield. I also thought more than one big gun would be kewl because if your team says "they got the rockets" u can just say "oh ya then im gunna blow his head off with the laser." And keep in mind im unsc traniee and this is one of my first maps and my only competetiave map This is an all indoor map its basicly the middle area of the map
Description I'm not really sure what the map is all about. Maybe a few more pictures and a description of what you had in mind when you were building it. Cool name though.
how much have you changed to this map cause i cant really tell i will need more pics to tell what you have done to it
A lot of stuff seems really random. You put a sniper four steps away from a sword, stickies next to duel wield able weapons, and two missle pods right next to each other. Then you put shield doors on one of the most tactical spots on the map making it unusable with a sniper resting inbetween them. I don't know what you were thinking.
like i said 1st competitive map ever im just trying to learn from my mistakes thank you for posting. I was thinking crazy now that you said it.
Hey. Actually, this map is pretty fun... It`s just too casual to be in the competitive section. It`s also pretty well-suited for casual slayer.
looks like it could be good for casual, but not competitive. having that many power weapons, a flamethrower, missile pods, and shield doors are not what makes a competitive map. usually they have at most, a sniper for each team, a rocket launcher to rush for, and MAYBE a mauler also, and the rest is usually a few smaller weapons placed with grenades. anyway, for a first post, this isn't too bad, especially if this was made a few weeks after the new maps. keep forging, and just try to remember those tips.
the map looks boring, i personally hate maps where it has no expert forged structures, just blocked pathways, thats boring. doesnt take too much skill to make a map like that. Also, the map looks like it has a ton of power weapons in the middle, Flametrower, flame grenades right under the sniper.... And with the sniper, what kind of sniper perch has a shield door blocking the view, how would you snipe from up there? can you? or do you just take it to no-scope everyone?
I guess it's alright for a first post but take a look at the quote I took from your post. It is one thing to have too many power weapons (as many people have already pointed out) but it's whole other thing to put them where they will be devastating. You want to place the power weapons in an area where they won't be immediately dominant. Putting a sniper rifle on a vantage point is like putting a shotgun behind a shield door (Maybe not quite as bad). I'm not going to rate it right now but I'm going to point you over to the Forge Discussion Forums. There you will find many great posts on advanced forging techniques and some really amazing guides one weapon placement which you really should take a look at.
I'm actually working on, and have been working on, a map similar to this for quite some time now. The middle area of Rat's Nest is simply excellent for team games, and provides a CTF experience similar to that of Beaver Creek. From what I can see of your map, it's smaller than mine, which is good, since I don't want anyone making the same map as me. However, like everyone else said, you should work on your weapon placement. You have too many power weapons, and they're placed in spots where they are devastatingly effective. Might I suggest reducing the number of heavy weapons?